Originally Posted by: Maddawgs 
Hey Stump Juicer,
I think you have hit the nail on the head. What those scumbag marathon bombers did was take a simple pressure cooker and turn it into a bomb. What we produce in our hobby could very easily be turned into a weapon. This could be the reason for the TTB inquiry possibly at the direction of homeland security. Mayby just information gathering?
Combined with data from PRISM, they can build any case....
You have to ask - why didnt the
info gathering catch the bombers (And we had Russian warnings
too)? or Newtown?, or that lunatic cop in California (Dornan) - because - we have a Muslim lady in the white house directing one of the weakest, inept, and most
incompetent immigrant that ever walked the earth and occupied an office in government. Even Grant was better than this
Keep in mind, that in an islamic state, alcohol is expressly
forbidden. The Turkish people are getting a "taste" of that now...
do think that Stump's reason is the best one I have heard yet. They are collecting info for correlation purposes. What will they do with it? - well, they use a process know as comparative data scoring - It's a deduction engine, deducing possible facts (or actions) an entity (us in this case) will take based upon previous behaviours or events. Much like a chess program, albeit 1K times more sophisticated than Msoft Chess.
And the American people aren't even realizing the most ominous part of this - if it's
true that they ran the fiber optic communcation cables that all internet providers use thru prisim servers before they dump into the internet servers at the known provider
hubs, that is tantamount to installing a
net in the mouth of every river of the world - They dont just have emails, and phone numbers, they have
everything - down to the last banking transaction, photos, files we send one another, the works.... for any transmissions - including pass thru traffic on it's way to somewhere else that use a routing thru the US communication hubs. That's why the Germans are now pissed... They understand... we be reading their secrets too..
No one here in America seems to be catching on to that just yet...
"Oh RcRed, STFU, my shit is
safe, I
encrypt it"...
Think again. Previous NSA employee's (or contractors) BUILT the encryption software that companies sell to unsuspecting civilians.
So for those fools who use Carbonite or some other horseshit cloud based solution to back up their PC's, they just ran their systems file backups thru the prisim nets... I've been in systems work for more than 35 years - watched the internet get born, and rise to the "Tower of Babel" it is today.
As far as the inquiry - I don't think a lot will come of it initally - each of us (that have been reported) will get a letter from the TTB asking us what are our intentions are and to reply within a time frame. They will not even look to see how many have licences (after all, that's what the note is for - to harass you).
Remember, it takes money staff, and time for them to launch massive enforcement efforts - And Congress is too busy funding our enemies than any domestic programs beyond food stamps, welfare and planned arbortionhood. They can't even get the money to launch OBuffooncare. And with the IRS and DOJ crap, I think further targeting of Americans (for any reason) can be stopped with media attention. That seems to be the only thing the socialists are afrraid of - awakening the masses of sheeple to what they are doing.
All I can tell you is I have never yet met a liberal I didnt think would make a fine compost for the worm beds. And yes, I have had my coffee this morning...