"OK I felt like I have the hang of sugar wash, reflux method. I was getting very good results, good cuts, slow controlled runs, wanted to graduate to a pot still corn run. I distilled about 8 lbs of flaked maize, two lbs of barley, had great conversion, the fermentation went well, slow, cool temps,,,,,,then I ran it.......... The best way to describe what I got was a smell of electrical fire, burnt cancer, dogs ass. I took the middle column off of my PSII, took all of the copper out except for one roll at the top, turned off the cooling water to column and just ran it through the condenser. Here is all I can figure went wrong:
1. The wash was cloudy when I transferred it, possibly got a little of the grain in the still pot also (I didn't ferment on the grain, I seperated almost all of it before fermenting, but a tiny bit got through). Could I have burnt the wash!?!? I kinda has a burnt electrical smell to it.
2. The run temp shot up to around 198 and stayed around 198 and 204 the entire run, this isn't what i was used to in reflux mode, but I wasn't running cooling water like I am there either. Did that scorch something? Is that normal in a run?
3. I was trying to do a stripping run, so I discarded the first 150mL or so, they smelled SUPER bad. Then I collected 3, 1000mL jars after that. One was cloudy (last one I think, which I would assume is the tails). I started with about 5-5.5 gallons of wash, this is all I collected. Is that normal? First jar smells so bad it about makes you gag, the second is a little more neutral and corn smelling, but still bad, the last is really bad again, and really weak.
Is it even worth running again? Even in reflux mode? I REALLY want to figure out what went wrong, ordering more flaked maize now and barley. I have a packet of the new whiskey yeast from brewhaus I'll try this time.
Any and all help is appreciated. I'm determined to run some good corn likker. Then move on to brandy, etc. I don't just want to keep running neutral sugar wash and flavoring it.