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Offline googe  
#101 Posted : 12 years ago

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Interesting reading coming from Australia, its good to see different opinions!. As you my know our gun laws are pretty strict after what happened at port Arthur, I know a lot of people that shoot and it doesn't seem to have worried them to much. The difference in countries and societies is obviously different as we don't have the same amount of troubles with guns, even in the larger cities. Most people are right though, if you know the right person you can get any sort of weapon you want. Great discussion, and mature.
Offline okie  
#102 Posted : 12 years ago

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"Here is an article about Australia. It has another point of view.



Trying to find out how to make a link work. Confused"
Offline scotty  
#103 Posted : 12 years ago

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it wont------ it drives me nuts too
Offline googe  
#104 Posted : 12 years ago

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Offline div4gold  
#105 Posted : 12 years ago

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Good reason to add a .50 Barrett to your collection with some AP ammo.

Offline div4gold  
#106 Posted : 12 years ago

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Sigh, this is what we are up against:

Offline scotty  
#107 Posted : 12 years ago

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pure logic as usual lol
Offline old stump juicer  
#108 Posted : 12 years ago
old stump juicer

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George Wallace was the last Democrat I voted for and I can't believe I voted for him!
The total stupidity coming from the left is amazing, I'm surprised the idiot that wrote that had enough sense to request their name be with held!
Offline RCRed  
#109 Posted : 12 years ago

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Constitution was written in 1913?.. Right.... I think this person's been drinking uncut kool aid...

On a happier note - My wife fired an AR15 for the first time last weekend - Got two 5x hits (typical - beginners are always lucky) - That's gun control BigGrin

btw, she got 10 hits inside the two closest rings with a 9mm and a 380, too... This was her first time on the line.
Offline cczero  
#110 Posted : 12 years ago

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Originally Posted by: div4gold Go to Quoted Post
Sigh, this is what we are up against:


I'll guarantee the person who submitted this 'editorial' is collecting at least one check from the us (government) and goes to show how uninformed most of the electorate are in this country."
Offline RCRed  
#111 Posted : 12 years ago

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I think they've been conditioned to think a turd tastes like a ribeye. Most of the walking dead sheeple out there have now been told to think that anyone sucessful is an enemy, and all they earn is actually stolen from the mouths of those less fortunate.

In the movie 2016 it was made clear the buffoon at 1600 Penn is out to decolonial-ize the world, that the wealth the west (europe too) has amased has been at the cost of those less priviledged and it must be undone. This includes the past 400 years of pillage by Spain, France, England and America.

More ominious is the fact that Van Johnson said clearly that 25 million or so Americans would have to be killed/detained before the country could sucessfully be converted to a socialist state. Well, here's something else for ya to cogitate;

Offline Hokey  
#112 Posted : 12 years ago

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I've been saying for a few years now that I am glad I am old and won't be around to see the end of our great republic. It will be very sad for our children and grand children but not for China and other countries. they can't wait.
Offline div4gold  
#113 Posted : 12 years ago

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Popular in Politics

Rand Paul filibustering over drones: I will not let Obama &#8216;shred the Constitution'
Eric Holder: Drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil are legal
Crumbling Capitol buildings desperate for repairs
White House cancels tours, cites sequestration cuts
FOX News Chief Roger Ailes: Joe Biden &#8216;dumb as an ashtray'

Attorney General Eric Holder can imagine a scenario in which it would be constitutional to carry out a drone strike against an American on American soil, he wrote in a letter to Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

"It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States," Holder replied in a letter yesterday to Paul's question about whether Obama "has the power to authorize lethal force, such as a drone strike, against a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, and without trial."

Paul condemned the idea. "The U.S. Attorney General's refusal to rule out the possibility of drone strikes on American citizens and on American soil is more than frightening - it is an affront the Constitutional due process rights of all Americans," he said in a statement.
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Holder noted that Paul's question was "entirely hypothetical [and] unlikely to occur," but cited the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as the type of incidents that might provoke such a response.

"Were such an emergency to arise, I would examine the particular facts and circumstances before advising the President on the scope of his authority," he concluded.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, an attorney and Judiciary Committee member, told The Washington Examiner last month that the drone policy so far outlined by the administration is too vague.

"That has the potential to swallow the rule," Lee said after the drone program white paper was leaked. "If you're going to regard somebody as presenting an imminent threat of an attack on the U.S. simply because you have concluded that they are an &#8216;operational leader' or they are involved in planning an attack in one way or another, you find yourself giving way to much discretion to the government."

Lee said that the White House should release the formal legal analysis underpinning the drone program. "We know that in some instances where the government has released its legal analysis, it gets it wrong," he said.

From WashingtonExaminer.com

http://washingtonexaminer.com/eric-hold ... le/2523319
Offline Hokey  
#114 Posted : 12 years ago

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some people just don't get it.
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Offline scotty  
#115 Posted : 12 years ago

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div4gold-- thanks for keeping your posts in off topic-- BTW I thought it very informative :)
Offline jackdixon9  
#116 Posted : 12 years ago

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Originally Posted by: caros527486 Go to Quoted Post
The Problem is not gun control, the problem is gun storage. I have three safes, one for long guns, one for handguns and one for ammo. If any one in my house gets the idea they would have to open at least two safes in order to fire any one gun. I beleive many people just forget exactly how dangerous a firearm is and I speak from experience becuase sometimes I'll go to my fathers or a buddies house and they'll have their firearm in a night stand or even in between the sheets. I am against gun control and I have a bumper sticker that says so but People have to start getting their firearms out of the reach of these killers. 9 of 10 ten times these massacres happen beucase they were able to take possesion of a firearm that was not theirs to begin with. Well that was my two cents take it with a grain salt.

Brand new user ,first post

Not wanting to offend but if u have to unlock two safes
then load a firearm the crazed or scared intruder in ur home will have sufficient time to
do his/her bidding, even if they are not armed, to me an unloaded gun is as an automobile with no fuel tank
You can take the guns away from most law abiding citizens BUT u cant take them away from the crooks & criminals
( my two cents worth) But I respect ur opinion & ur right to it"
Offline okie  
#117 Posted : 12 years ago

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I know that if you research all the recent killers you'll find a common denominator, that being psychiatric drugs. The doctors today are eager to put people and children on drugs and most of these drugs have major side effects. Look at psychiatry in general and they never cure anyone. They drug them with mind altering drugs and big pharma pushes them, even on TV so people ask for them. Most people want drugs anyway. They have the belief that it will make things better when in fact it gets worse.
I'm totally against drug pushing doctors that think putting people on drugs will send them away with very minimal followup if that.
Take a drink of likker and chill.
Offline div4gold  
#118 Posted : 12 years ago

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Originally Posted by: jackdixon9 Go to Quoted Post
Brand new user ,first post

Not wanting to offend but if u have to unlock two safes
then load a firearm the crazed or scared intruder in ur home will have sufficient time to
do his/her bidding, even if they are not armed, to me an unloaded gun is as an automobile with no fuel tank
You can take the guns away from most law abiding citizens BUT u cant take them away from the crooks & criminals
( my two cents worth) But I respect ur opinion & ur right to it

Along with all of the things that are going on in the Country right now has anyone tried to buy any ammunition lately. I was checking my usual sources online a few days ago and everything I was looking for was 'out of stock' , 'not backorderable', etc. I picked up a video clip while I was bouncing around just for my own curiosity. It's about how they manufacture .22 cal rimfire ammo. It's interesting and if you listen to all of it it tells how much ammo this one company produces. If you add all of the other .22 rimfire manufacturers into the total for say a years run then you have to begin to wonder where all the ammo is. It doesn't seem to be in any of the retailers inventory, where's it at?

Offline RCRed  
#119 Posted : 12 years ago

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I have to go one a week to my supplier for .223 ammo - one bag, 100 rounds, one to a customer.. It's there, but some online sites will take a backorder and a few weeks later the ammo shows up. I prefer to get mine locally unless I need a specialty ammo like tracers and the like.

Did you not hear that OBuffoon has the DHS buying 1.6 Billion rounds (yes, billion) of ammo for "practice" ?? It sucks the wind to manufacture 1.6 billion rounds and you have 175+ Million gun owners trying to arm up before Freakstien from Califlowernia pushes her spew into a law...

I agree with trigger locks for most of the weapons, except the "closeby" - that one is at a hands grab at any time. I live out in the country where reposnse time by the sherrif is at least 25 minutes. AT LEAST 25 minutes... nearest neighbor is 1000 feet away and probably wouldnt do squat even if they heard a shot, dunno if it'd even register w/them until they heard me empty a full AR clip or unload an entire shotgun magazine. If that happened at night yea, someone would come a running.. During the day, probably not.

I fail to see why we are a free nation tolerate those the refuse to honor the constitution we intended them to follow. And that ain' no Democrap or Repulsiv-ican problem... it's an all of the above problem. Until we enact term limits and I mean just TWO terms for any one ANY where we will have the issue of doofus's like Freakstien sitting in a chair for 20+ years thinking they are the gods of Olympus and we are too stupid to protect ourselves. I'm tellin' y'all.. before the law or other supports gets there, it's just you and whatever you have to thwart the threat. The founders knew this, and they also knew that the enemy might even be a tyrannical government.

Shall Not Be Infringed.
Offline div4gold  
#120 Posted : 12 years ago

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Originally Posted by: RoyseCityRed Go to Quoted Post
I have to go one a week to my supplier for .223 ammo - one bag, 100 rounds, one to a customer.. It's there, but some online sites will take a backorder and a few weeks later the ammo shows up. I prefer to get mine locally unless I need a specialty ammo like tracers and the like.

Did you not hear that OBuffoon has the DHS buying 1.6 Billion rounds (yes, billion) of ammo for ""practice"" ?? It sucks the wind to manufacture 1.6 billion rounds and you have 175+ Million gun owners trying to arm up before Freakstien from Califlowernia pushes her spew into a law...

I agree with trigger locks for most of the weapons, except the ""closeby"" - that one is at a hands grab at any time. I live out in the country where reposnse time by the sherrif is at least 25 minutes. AT LEAST 25 minutes... nearest neighbor is 1000 feet away and probably wouldnt do squat even if they heard a shot, dunno if it'd even register w/them until they heard me empty a full AR clip or unload an entire shotgun magazine. If that happened at night yea, someone would come a running.. During the day, probably not.

I fail to see why we are a free nation tolerate those the refuse to honor the constitution we intended them to follow. And that ain' no Democrap or Repulsiv-ican problem... it's an all of the above problem. Until we enact term limits and I mean just TWO terms for any one ANY where we will have the issue of doofus's like Freakstien sitting in a chair for 20+ years thinking they are the gods of Olympus and we are too stupid to protect ourselves. I'm tellin' y'all.. before the law or other supports gets there, it's just you and whatever you have to thwart the threat. The founders knew this, and they also knew that the enemy might even be a tyrannical government.

Shall Not Be Infringed.

This morning I lucked out and was able to buy several cases of ammo.

On the way home I stopped at the gas station where a

drop-dead gorgeous blonde was filling up her car at the next pump.

She looked at the ammo in the back of my PICKUP and

said in a very sexy voice, ""I'm a big believer in barter, big boy.

Would you be interested in trading sex for ammo?""

I thought a few seconds and asked, ""What kinda ammo ya got?"""
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