Originally Posted by: Alli Sorry to offend Red. You are obvously not the one for this job. Just hope there is someone else in your area who will step up to the plate. alli
I'll not be shamed for my choice.
Ain' a job or process on this panet I could'nt learn and do w
ell with education/practice and I've 36+ years in my trade to prove it. One damn thing I have learned from my past mistakes is the wisdom to avoid another.
And good luck finding other Texans who do this to trust
anyone outside their circle. Hell, it takes
years to get people to trust you here even on
normal terms. Even the musicians are slow (5+ years) to trust any one.
Over the past few years, had the DMN been calling out the adminstration and calling for them to be held accountable, I might have had a different POV, but, they don't - They
suckle the concept of the nanny state and "free for all" on the backs of those that have earned prosperity. So I have zero confidence they'd protect me when the King Barry Machine rolled in and demanded names and addresses.
And, I
have helped in our cause. It took me hours to make that powerpoint up, and I believe in legalization.
Look dude, "Conditional protection of identity" is not solid enough for me to trust all that I have built and made in 20+ years since the last time the law stripped me to just the clothes on my back. This crap is
Federal, in a government that
punishes those that speak out against them and
disregards the law and the constitution to suit their agendas.
This distillate is tastin' too bitter to me.