"Beginning with Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan coming together to buy the presidency and install McKinley, and the follow-up of the banksters creating the Feral Reserve soon after, the U.S. has been a model of modern feudalism ever since. Mr. Rockefeller rather famously quipped that he wanted ""workers not thinkers"", so get with the program and quit thinkin' that there is a system of representative government that actually represents
you . What it represents is the corporations that have purchased it. Their lawyers and lobbyists are the ones who craft the bills that our so-called ""representatives"" vote for... and then maybe read later. The whole point of their involvement is to limit access to the marketplace to none other than themselves. Small time independents and interlopers are persistently put upon by government regulation and compliance police to keep them from eroding away the foundations of their pimps' money pumps. It's sad and pathetic, but it's the truth.
The ""Honorable"" prostitutes that we send to Washington, to become millionaires, have no interest in doing anything but keeping their snout nuzzled against the public's teat... in other words, getting re-elected. The key to seeing that happen is to simply deliver the goods legislatively for their puppet-masters, while trying to refrain from getting caught texting pictures of their junk, or soliciting sex in public restrooms. Obviously it's a challenge that many are just not up to meeting. Sadly we watch old time, feel good, movies from the propaganda machine like
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, hoping and thinking that maybe, just maybe, a real Mr. Smith will somehow appear, but alas... we continue to witness an unending stream of scorched wort and mulm rather than any cream of the crop.
The system is rigged, and it ain't in our favor. Bread and circus is all that they have any interest in seeing maintained. Keep the workers just alive enough that they can still manage to drag their buried in debt, failing health, selves back into work each week, after a weekend spent howling at the moon of self medication and diversion. Ever wonder why the major league sports franchises have been granted special exemption from the anti-trust laws that prevent monopolies? Welcome to the 21st Century's Rome. ""You deserve a break today"", so ""relax and enjoy"", it's Monday Night... ""is everybody ready for some football?!"" Welcome to the Coliseum, the gladiators will return after this station identification.
Why do ya think that the government ""education"" mills don't teach real history? Why do ya think that they don't teach people to think?
Keep writin' yer letters and emailing your ""representatives"", and when ya get tired of being waltzed around by yer Willy and or outright ignored, check out Open Congress and take a look see at who's money has bought and paid for the ""Honorable"" whores that you're appealing to. Remarkably they vote with astounding clarity where their real benefactors' interests are concerned, and this too is there for the reading... but then again, who has that kind of time these days?
http://www.opencongress.org/money_trail Sorry to make my first post such a cynical downer, but that's the problem with reality... it is a persistently unavoidable bugger."