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Offline heeler  
#1 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 3:02:02 AM(UTC)

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"This is something that I am trying and hoping it will be palateable. If ya'll have made this in the recent past and will give me advice to make it better I'm all ears. I'm fermenting
64F-68F, hoping it will stop the juice from souring. OhMyGod
This is for a 5 gallon wash---

7 jugs of Peach/Mango nectar,(real fruit)
3 Beanno tabs - disolved
1 pkg of bakers yeast and 1 spoonfull of distillers yeast.
2 spoonfulls of yeast nutrients.
8 LBs of sugar.

My plan is to distill very rapidly for the most flavor carryover I can get.BigGrin Regular ole pot still. After stillin I'm gonna cut this to around 90 proof for easy sippin if its drinkable. Not really planning on oak aging but if you've made this and thats what MADE it for you I'll sure givera go. Also gonna grill char some fresh peaches and add that to a jar or two. Now I've tryed something like this before and was surly dissapointed but since then I think I've learned enough to try again so we'll see what happens.RollEyes"

Edited by user Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:35:21 AM(UTC)  | Reason: misspelling

Offline heeler  
#2 Posted : Monday, March 19, 2012 5:50:58 AM(UTC)

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I started this wash on 2/27 and its still working in the airlock. Now I always leave my washes 20-30 days anyway but this darned thing is still fermenting. I leave em that long to finish and settle. Hopefully I'll be runnig this soon, gotta be next week or so I would guess.
Offline heeler  
#3 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2012 2:38:21 AM(UTC)

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Well its brandy runnin day, gonna try to post some pics with it. It started running at 140proof. I kinda expected higher proof cause I used 12 lbs of sugar but maybe thats a good thing, might be less heads and maybe I'll get more usable tails. I letter go until I'm down to 40 proof or so and then in the morn I'll make strickt cuts with some tails for flavor careover, fingers still crossed.
Offline heeler  
#4 Posted : Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:45:37 AM(UTC)

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"Ok, so....I got a full pint of heads during the run and poured that in my herbicide sprayer with the Roundup. The morn after when I made my cuts, I still had 3/4 of a pint of heads to toss and almost 3/4 of a quart of oily cloudy tails to run next time. I know I said I would run down to 40 proof but I meant 40% (80 proof) and if I could post the damned pics you could see what I'm talking aboutCursing. I did get some good pics of the oily cloudy look of the tails and my setup.

N E way all I got for drinkin likker from this 5 gallon (4.5 actually) was 1 quart of good smelling heartsCool. Once I made cuts and added all the little jars together it came down to 95 proof, no water added to cut. So not sure this was really worth the effort,RollEyes added some grilled peach slices to 3 pint jars and gonna let it age for a while --not sure how long that will be--BigGrin"
Offline flipskid  
#5 Posted : Thursday, March 22, 2012 5:28:33 PM(UTC)

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sorry to hear about small amount of return, but you are always learning right. any chance you could pm the pictures. i am real curious how the stuff looks. i have an apricot tree i was hoping to make some brandy with. i can always stick to wine i guess. what wuld it be like if you just added an amount of clear to it? wouldit loose too much flavor? J
Offline heeler  
#6 Posted : Friday, March 23, 2012 7:14:41 AM(UTC)

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Well I'll give it a few days and then try it and see if I should add some more white likker to it. I'll have to see how strong the aroma is, ya know. It was pretty faint the morning after but after adding the peaches, well I just have to see. I read that I should cut it down to 30% (60 proof) for sipping of course so I'm still hopefull.
#7 Posted : Saturday, March 24, 2012 7:43:30 AM(UTC)

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Bet that be mighty tasty. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Too bad the pic no worky. Might have to snag some of that Peach/Apricot nectar for some Peach Pie. Do it taste pretty good on its own merits? Got a hot tip from somebody on here I think about Tropicana Peach Punch..which I aint been able to find none. Notice the juice sections are pretty barren on the peach flavors for some reason. Figger just to dump some shine down in it. My bravery aint up to the pot still level yet:) Salud.
Offline heeler  
#8 Posted : Sunday, March 25, 2012 3:22:07 AM(UTC)

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"ok moving on, so after giving the Peach Brandy several days to macerate with the grilled peaches and sugar, I drained the brandy into a big jug and added some white likker which was 100 proof. Now as we all know once you add sugar and fruit like I did your alcohol meter will not properly read the ABV%. I know it was still 90-100 proof but just for curiosity sake I took a reading and the meter read 30 proof. Now I know thats cause all the sugar makes the liquid thicker so the meter wont sink -- hence the off reading.
There was enough peach aroma and flavor so as flipskid suggested I did add some more hooch -- basically to streach it out and it did'nt really take away from the flavor, so that was a plus, and still 90-100 proof after a while I may cut it to 60-70 proof."
Offline heeler  
#9 Posted : Monday, April 02, 2012 12:52:15 PM(UTC)

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I decided to try some of my Peach/Mango brandy tonight and then it hit me.... I added it to some orange juice, it was quit tastey kinda like a Mimosa but without the Champagne. A Peach/Mango/OJ Mimosa of my own creation Ha not bad.BigGrin
Offline heeler  
#10 Posted : Sunday, August 05, 2012 5:12:52 AM(UTC)

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UserPostedImage finaly got some pics of the Brandy almost finished
Offline heeler  
#11 Posted : Sunday, August 05, 2012 5:18:04 AM(UTC)

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"Here I'm transfering it to my boiler keg, that is an autosyphon. I've heard lots say you must use food grade buckets but this is a soap bucket and I used it because its what I had at the time. I've been using it now for 3.5 years with beer and likker --seems to work fine.

Offline fatboylo  
#12 Posted : Sunday, August 05, 2012 1:12:09 PM(UTC)

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Great pics heeler.......Dr. good to see you on again.....haven't seen you in a few days.........or maybe it was me!!!!!!! lol
Offline Tracyman0111  
#13 Posted : Friday, March 22, 2013 12:44:36 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for the post Heeler, very informative, especially with the step by step follow-along!! Very helpful to green guys like me trying to get the hang of the good fruit drinks!!
Offline heeler  
#14 Posted : Saturday, March 23, 2013 12:21:34 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Tracyman0111 Go to Quoted Post
Thanks for the post Heeler, very informative, especially with the step by step follow-along!! Very helpful to green guys like me trying to get the hang of the good fruit drinks!!

Your welcome pard...ya know any juice will work for this recipe. If you have a fav. well there ya go and the results are kinda on the faint side of flavor and aroma but its still good and a really easy recipe for the beginner or even the expireneced among us. This is one of those ----confidence builder----recipes cause you almost cant srcrew it up."
Offline heeler  
#15 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2014 7:50:58 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: heeler Go to Quoted Post
This is something that I am trying and hoping it will be palateable. If ya'll have made this in the recent past and will give me advice to make it better I'm all ears. I'm fermenting
64F-68F, hoping it will stop the juice from souring. OhMyGod
This is for a 5 gallon wash---

5 jugs of Peach/Mango nectar,(real fruit).
2 cans of peaches in heavy syrup
3 Beanno tabs - disolved
A good squirt of lemon juice for the acid.
Enough pectin enzyme for a 5 gallon wash.
3 pkg of bakers yeast
1 spoonfull of distillers yeast.
2 spoonfulls of yeast nutrients.
10 LBs of sugar.

My plan is to distill very rapidly for the most flavor carryover I can get.BigGrin Regular ole pot still. After stillin I'm gonna cut this to around 90 proof for easy sippin if its drinkable. Not really planning on oak aging but if you've made this and thats what MADE it for you I'll sure givera go. Also gonna grill char some fresh peaches and add that to a jar or two. Now I've tryed something like this before and was surly dissapointed but since then I think I've learned enough to try again so we'll see what happens.RollEyes

Peach/Mango Brandy 2nd Edition

This is another Peach/Mango recipe I'm going to add to this thread just so it will be here incase anybody wants to try it. This is the first time I've done this version so we'll see what happens..
The recipe goes like this......
3 jugs of Mango Nectar
3 jugs of Peach Nectar
each of the jugs mentioned are qt. boxes actually
1 can of sliced peaches in heavy syrup
9 lbs of sugar
Enough pectin enzyme for a 5 gallon wash.
3 spoons fulls of BrewHaus yeast nutrients
2 packs of bakers yeast (Fleischmans)
2 spoons of DADY distillers yeast
Ferment on the cooler side -- 68-74F

I cooked or steeped the juice for 45 minutes, to creat the mash effect and then I added a big can of slice peaches and went another 15 minutes just for good measure. I didn't bring this to a boil and just cook the flavor out of it I just steeped it to unlock the flavor. It might not work but I'll find out after stillin.
And of course what makes this a brandy is the fruit nectar and the sliced peaches, you know real fruit. Remember check your gravity - if it's too high just add water to thin it a bit or your yeast will struggle and you wont be happy. Under or right at 1090 is perfect.
Of course I'm gonna ferment this in my Ferm/chiller and since I have room I made up another fermenter of the Gerber wash recipe to utilize the entire chiller.
So here are some pics just because........

Edited by user Tuesday, August 18, 2020 2:03:02 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline heeler  
#16 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2014 7:52:56 AM(UTC)

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"Here they are tucked away and waiting to cool so I can add the airlocks...
Offline heeler  
#17 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2014 7:57:24 AM(UTC)

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"And this is a look inside mmmmmmmmmmmm I bet thats gonna be pretty tastey.
Ok so you can see the date and I will keep an eye on the airlock and when she's done I'll report back and let you know if this is even worth the effort.
Just cause it looks good now does'nt mean it will be.Cool
Check back in 2 weeks.....................
Offline whiskykid  
#18 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2014 8:07:51 AM(UTC)

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"Heeler, im following this. I went to a local distillery this month and tried some pear brandy. the wife made it clear thats what she wants. is it mandatory to cook the fruit juice? Is it needed for the conversion of the sugars?
thanks whiskykid

Heeler here,
No you dont have to COOK this, I just heated it to help with melting the sugar when I poured it over it, and maybe help with pulling some of the flavor out of the fruit, I dont think it caused much conversion but it may have.."
Offline dieselduo  
#19 Posted : Monday, February 24, 2014 8:24:32 AM(UTC)

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I usually mash mine up cook it to get the juice out of the fruit and use some pectic enzyme to break down the pectin to fermentable sugar and add when pitching the yeast. The enzyme also seems to bring out more flavor in the fruit
Offline heeler  
#20 Posted : Tuesday, February 25, 2014 3:21:52 AM(UTC)

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"I got up this morning and this is what I found, arrrggghhh, a sticky damned mess but she's workin great!!!!!!! The other fermenter is workin just as good so I'm pretty stoked. Yesterday I had to wait several hours before adding the yeast cause it was still too hot but the temp was 88F all the way to the bottom of both before I added it. Then it was only 3.5 hours when I walked by and had a looksee and they were both workin in the airlocks. This may work off faster than I frist thought.
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