"Yeah, more heat, more water and then its a balanceing act, but still should be getting about a qt/hr. However, lowering the heat at the start, and lots of water for really good reflux, takeing the heads off slowly, then into hearts add more heat until you get a good constant rate, warm but not super hot distillate comeing out. Control it with the water as much as you can, then lower the heat if necessary.
Bronzedragon, did you destroy the thermostat so it is constantly on? Do so if not.
Boiling chips will allow for a faster take off, as it will produce many small bubbles of vapor instead of great big ones at once, which could flood your column, or come with big puffs, which will make you have to slow down, so you don't have vapor pushed real fast through the condensor in gusts. Broken, unglazed pottery, gravel, bits of copper, gravel, etc. I now use a double handful of rashig rings..
When you hit tails, increase heat and take it off as fast as the condensor can handle it. With the water control you can shut off the reflux and run it more like a pot still. Those items will save much time in the run. Energy too.
I would hate to tell how long and how many runs it took me to learn those lessons for myself.
The ps II does work good, and makes a good drink, just much slower. the 3"" column and 54"" long with the size adopter can run so much faster and cleaner. The big condensor lets me fly. If I watch it close and adjust it at the beginnings of heads, the temps never change during the heart run. 72-73° at my elevation. When the alarm goes off at 74 I switch to tails. I have made enough with my rig, to know this is close enough for me. Save the tails for the next run, and you have lost nothing. If I get my adjustments right at the beggining, I get at least a gallon/hr of 94+++ on the spirit run.
I do this for some great vodka, and for macerations and such. I now do mostly flavored distillations and I love this unit for that immensly. I use the top half, with some packing and cooling water only through one tube that i can control independent of the condensor flow. I have found with practice, I can get just as much flavor or more with one run than a double pot distillation and at whatever ABV is proper. I can even adjust it to mimick a triple distillation still with flavor. This is when the fun and art really start to come into play. Taste and smell really come into play then.
I like to crank up my campfire dutch oven or 2, and I can sit back and watch them both do their thing. Hey, I'm cooking dinner, and over there is my steamer- sauce maker."