"I hope to make my first ever run tomorrow at 7 am((( CMPLETED THIS MORNING))
there is a remote thermometer and im running in pot mode
I'm a green horn so i'm running a parrot
We insulated the boiler and tower
i also have a thermo well in which we are using an electronic switch to turn the 1500 watt hot plate on and off.
I have the stat set for 212 degF ((I hope that works For the low wines run))
The diferential is 1 degree--
Ill hook up the condenser cooling water tomorrow while the boiler is heating up
I have 2 other batches of the same stuff to run. Should i throw feints from previous runs in them??
first run ever finished
I dumped the plastic on the end of the parrot but i'm using alcohol resistant tubings on both the feed and output--It's from my wine making hobby.
The run took about 4 hours from room temp. The total yield including feints was over a gallon. this does not include the first 200 ml i tossed to weed killer bottle.
the mid run was a bit over 3 fifths
My johnson temp controll kept the boiler at about 211 degrees durng the run. i will still bypas the hot plate controll later.
i want to valve the still so i can controll the water flow both to the worm and to the reflux lines.
I was not running water through them this run.
My mile high refulux still seems a bit of a joke in the design of the ((2 only)) cris crossing tubes.
I think if I wrapt that portion of the tower with copper tubing, valve it and hook it is series with the existing tubes it may operate better.
I havent even tried reflux yet but just dont see the design as working as well as those beautifull hand made foot ling reflux coils
I did notice that my head temp was too high right from the start and went to about 190F for the entire run. i put a fan on it to no avail-- yhe output did almost stop at 207 head temp.
I took plenty of notes.
I have 2 more batches of the same wash to run. Ill do that tomorrow and the next day.
Thanks for all the input and also the forthcoming comments on this post too.