"Ok, so, I run a potstill. It's a crazy hybrid, but a potstill none the less.
Potstills are the best possible tool for rendering flavored spirits, as potstills are not,,,,,,,,,,(how to say),,,,,,efficiant.
Reflux columns do a much better job of separating the alcohol from the congeners. Therefore reflux columns are more efficiant at rendering (alcohol) purity as such.
So some of us like a little congener or two in our drank (raise your hand

The trick to flavored spirits is to collect enough of the congeners in the last of the head and beginning of the tails to get the flavours, but not enough to make it undrinkable. Although I usually stir clear of the heads.
By going slow or ""brutally slow"" during one run, you should be able to capture the desirable congeners and get nice proofy distillate as well. This takes practice.
By running twice (with a reflux rig especially), you get a more pure spirit with less (if any) flavor.
ABV is not the only measure of quality for gents running flavored spirits. And lets face it, lots of gents are diluting back down to ???? anyhow.
Sorry I can not comment on temps, as running a potstill does not require that One should be mindful of the temperature. The potstill and ABV within the charge will determine where the temps will be at any given moment during a run.
I am only mindfull of the discharge stream size and that gets controlled through input as such."