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Offline Scottyohh!!  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, December 01, 2010 8:25:29 PM(UTC)

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"Im a newbie to the distilling world, I only have a few runs under my belt. I am getting ready to return home from Iraq at the end of the month. While I have been deployed I have had a lot of time to read up on the mistakes I have been making and am very eager to get home and start a new run with my new found knowledge.

Right now I am working on sugar washes as they are more basic than grain mash and I want to gain some more experince before I go that direction.

One of the things that I have been reading about it making a better nuetral wash by using bakers yeast instead of turbos and also inverting the sugar.

My rig is a 8gal boiler (electric) and can be used as a reflux or pot still.

My questions are:

Is there a formula for how much bakers yeast to use by sugar volume?

I read that some people use a combination of inverted and plain white sugar, is there a specific ratio?

I am making a good reflux run (40-60min) before collecting; would I be better to collapse a few stripped runs and then do a spirit run or just reflux like I have been and collect during the same run?

I am ignorant of the term ""cuts"" I hear people saying not to make ""tight cuts"" or to make ""good cuts"" - Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance for any help, this is a great site with a lot of experience and I hope to get better at the trade under its wing!"
Offline Bayou-Ruler  
#2 Posted : Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:13:47 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Scottyohh!! Go to Quoted Post
Im a newbie to the distilling world, I only have a few runs under my belt. I am getting ready to return home from Iraq at the end of the month. While I have been deployed I have had a lot of time to read up on the mistakes I have been making and am very eager to get home and start a new run with my new found knowledge.

Right now I am working on sugar washes as they are more basic than grain mash and I want to gain some more experince before I go that direction.

One of the things that I have been reading about it making a better nuetral wash by using bakers yeast instead of turbos and also inverting the sugar.

My rig is a 8gal boiler (electric) and can be used as a reflux or pot still.

My questions are:

Is there a formula for how much bakers yeast to use by sugar volume?

I read that some people use a combination of inverted and plain white sugar, is there a specific ratio?

I am making a good reflux run (40-60min) before collecting; would I be better to collapse a few stripped runs and then do a spirit run or just reflux like I have been and collect during the same run?

I am ignorant of the term ""cuts"" I hear people saying not to make ""tight cuts"" or to make ""good cuts"" - Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance for any help, this is a great site with a lot of experience and I hope to get better at the trade under its wing!

Go here and READ: http://homedistiller.org/
Bayou Ethanol
Offline scotty  
#3 Posted : Thursday, December 02, 2010 6:43:26 AM(UTC)

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"the website is telling me i can not send pms-- i tried a bunch of times. it even said i couldnt post to the forum but it worked this timeConfusedConfused

dap here
Offline mtnwalker2  
#4 Posted : Thursday, December 02, 2010 11:14:49 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: scotty Go to Quoted Post
the website is telling me i can not send pms-- i tried a bunch of times. it even said i couldnt post to the forum but it worked this timeConfusedConfused

dap here

Make sure you are logged in.

EC1118 is as cheap and works better than bakers yeast.
EEgadsm I use to buy a 50# bag of DAP for less than 3 dollars/ 50#. I guess I am getting old. A cheap rendition of Miracle Grow or Peters or such works just as well.

For the carbon treatment, I have found the best is to put your final spirit runs into a glass carbouy with the wetted carbon and let it sit with occasional swirls. That and the Brownian movement? i think it is called? does the same in a lperiod of time and actually better to my taste. Make plenty of neutral and allow it to sit with the carbon till you need some. I filter through a 10' ss strainer lined with coffee filters. takes time, but the results are excellent.

I stip the wash, run it through my HC 3"" column pretty carefully with tight cuts. and get a great and sweet product. But after carbon filtering, its way better. Just make enough to keep at least a month or more ahead of your needs. Takes almost that long for the alchohol to marry with the water ayhow for the best taste."
Offline LWTCS  
#5 Posted : Thursday, December 02, 2010 1:18:30 PM(UTC)

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"I recon a good clean ratio would be 8 to 10 pounds of sugar to a 20 liter ferment.

If you keep your abv within your wash at 14% or below, you will get a cleaner product.

You can also use less yeast or more yeast.
4 oz of bakers yeast and a cup of crushed corn flakes or all bran cereal will supply your yeast with plenty of nutes.
Try this and ramp your yeast back after a couple of batches.

The extra yeast will help power thru the ferment rather quickly thus insuring a quick finish with almost zero risk of infection.

The yeast profile will likely be evident but not bad at all. And if you strip first then dilute to 40% and reflux,,,,it will be rather nice.

MW2 is correct that EC1118 is a really good work horse for lots of gents.
There is no set amount as such.

Just gotta get a bunch of runs under your belt so that you can develope your own point of view.

Collect your distillate in small jars (250 ml to 300 ml) to isolate the transitions during your spirit run.
Let it airon the bench with a rubber band and paper cover to keep the critters out. Next day will be better to evaluate once some of the volitile nasties have evaporated.

*First 50 ml (or so) will ""Fores"". This is poison. DO NOT DRINK. Pour it on the ground.
*Next couple 100 mls will be ""Heads"". All the ground pounding headaches live in heads. Heads smell sweet and also astringent at the same time. Do not be decived. Heads are not for me.
*Next comes ""Hearts"". This here is what all of us are after.
* Finally ""Tails"" smells like wet dog, wet card board, old shoe, dirty butt.
Some gents add early tails for flavor.

I throw heads and tails into the feins jug an re-run with the next batch as there is plenty good alcohol remaining."
Offline Scottyohh!!  
#6 Posted : Thursday, December 02, 2010 11:50:49 PM(UTC)

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"Thanks fellas!

I am happy to get some good advice from some seasoned vets! I waited too long to try to learn and all of the people in my family who had the knowledge have passed.

I am chomping at the bit to get home and get started again! After you start doing this it really gets in your blood!"
Offline LWTCS  
#7 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 4:20:06 AM(UTC)

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"So as previously mentioned,,,if you collect with small jars you will be able to more precisely isolate your transitions.

So depending on your quantity of jars available, you may have 8 to 12 or so small jars collected.

When evaluating, start at the center jar (or so) and work your way out from either side by smelling the content. Be careful not to burn your nose out by smelling too hard.

If your a nuetral man then your gonna want to eliminate any thing that has an odor (I assume). You may find that means that you have quite a bit of likker to toss into your feins jug for re-run. That can be hard for some fellers to do as they get to focused on the greed of makin as much as possible.........Then they spring for spending more cash on carbon filtering supplies to clean up bad cuts that can be avoided by good stilling......and then they spend on clearing agents......and mo money mo money mo money.

You can beat this by being patient and building your drinking stock to the point where you don't have to be in a rush cuz your out of booze.

Best way is to get three fermenters going. One batch fermenting,,,,one batch clearing,,,,,and one batch ready to charge your boiler.
If you can run a batch at your leisure,,,,,,, any given day of the week,,,it gets much easier to be very discriminating about the quality of the booze your makin.

Once you get your cycle going,,,ya only need to touch it for just a few minutes a day on average. It's not that bad. Unless your doing a full on mash."
Offline Scottyohh!!  
#8 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 4:30:53 AM(UTC)

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When you say small jars, is a quart jar small enough, or do I need to look for something a bit smaller?

I am going to stop my urge to rush is by drinkin some JD until I get some quality spirits made up the right way and am stocked up.

Right now I am just going to use sugar washes and make Hot Apple Pie and Lemoncello and of course some of the good hi test stuff, until I get my process down pat.....then I want to move to grain and start working on a good amber colored drink!"
Offline LWTCS  
#9 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 5:08:13 AM(UTC)

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"I just use the small mason jars. They are bout 6 bucks for a dozen from the local grocer. Can certainly use recycled glass too.

I collect enough in each jar to roughly fill the testing vessel for my alcometer.
Bout 250 ml to 300 is prolly fine. But I recon 200 ml would really dial in the transition. I don't have the patience for 200 at a timeRollEyes

But I don't make cuts with the alcometer mind you. Or that is to say,,I don't make cuts by measuring ABV.

Make cuts by smell,taste and feel.

When you get familiar with your ""go to"" recipe and your still......you can collect in larger vessels as you will learn about where your cuts need to be.

And of course as time passes and you get your stock built up, you can easily toss anything questionable into your feins jug for a re-run later."
Offline mtnwalker2  
#10 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 9:45:45 AM(UTC)

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"Excellent posts LWTCS. You out to consolidate them and stick them into a file and resend every now and then as there are always more newbies coming around with the same needs.

I just want to add a final note for makeing really clean neutral, or mashes or brandies. There is always plenty of discussion about the elimination of hangovers and really sick tummies as opposed to even the very best and most expensive of box store drinking.

But to me is the lack of brain poisoning. IE. If I were to have a real party night. One with my own clean spirits, where I can really feel the effects, but can still function well and carry on a decent conversation. As opposed to another night where good standard spirits were served, and I imbibed the same amount and strength during the night, I would be blitzed and probably act the fool. I have noticed, and they as well, the friends I have shared with, the same effect. They can have a super buzz and enjoy it, but it doesn't drive them crazy. And they can remember much more of the good times they had the next day.

There also seems to be an inhibiting factor. When you reach a certain stage of imbibing, you have had enough and I am sated. Wheras with store bought, there seems to be a craveing for another, then another. Most like different foods will effect us.

I have never been ""DRUNK"" since I started makeing my own. Plenty tipsy, yes, but not crazy.

This should be discussed more in relation to our hobby and craft. It is a big issue.

Offline LWTCS  
#11 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 12:46:51 PM(UTC)

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"Indeed MW2.

The buzz is a good quality buzz but not heavy or tiresome......Or cloudy.

Prolly shouldn't move past the 50% mark when serving folks that may not understand what they are drinking though.
50 got plenty of giddie yapRollEyes

BTW I should also point out that I'm always a bit hard on the carbon filter talk as I do not really drink nuetral. Nor am I ever trying to make a martini grade or gin grade nuetral. I'm a potstiller.

My apologies for sounding like a pontificating likker geek know it all."
Offline mtnwalker2  
#12 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 4:23:45 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: LWTCS Go to Quoted Post
Indeed MW2.

The buzz is a good quality buzz but not heavy or tiresome......Or cloudy.

Prolly shouldn't move past the 50% mark when serving folks that may not understand what they are drinking though.
50 got plenty of giddie yapRollEyes

BTW I should also point out that I'm always a bit hard on the carbon filter talk as I do not really drink nuetral. Nor am I ever trying to make a martini grade or gin grade nuetral. I'm a potstiller.

My apologies for sounding like a pontificating likker geek know it all.


Another flavor drinker afficianado, 2 things you have to try. One is oats groats, either mashed or UJSMM. Slightly crack them in a roller mill. Easy to mash or non cook style. Easy to strain.

The other whiskey, which is closest to like an Irish wheisky butbetter, is millet. /the white graiined, not the black. They are so soft you don
t need to crush or grind them. They gelatinize at 88 deg. cent. so just pour boiling water over them. Coool and mash. or do a non cook methed wich works just as welll in my opinion. Reauires lots of ageing on oak for best resultsts. Worth The wait though, Most fantastic whiskey in the world.

My 3 dollar bills worth."
Offline Scottyohh!!  
#13 Posted : Friday, December 03, 2010 9:06:41 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: mtnwalker2 Go to Quoted Post

Make plenty of neutral and allow it to sit with the carbon till you need some. I filter through a 10' ss strainer lined with coffee filters. takes time, but the results are excellent.


Can you explain this a little to me? How much carbon are you putting in per Qt?

Are you using a standard kitchen style strainer lined with coffee filter?

I am interested in this method....It gets kinda old filtering the hooch through a column filter like I have...

I think eventually I want to have my wash to the point where I dont need to filter it. Im sure this will just come with experience making the wash and cuts."
Offline mtnwalker2  
#14 Posted : Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:56:10 AM(UTC)

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"Welcome home soon. My daughter just got back from a 14 month tour in S. Korea.
Yes, just a fine large ss strainer, bottom and sides lined with coffee filters. Even after carbon filtering you will notice it will run fast at first then slow way down as the filters catch even more oils.And even though you made great cuts and think the neutral is really sweet, you will be amazed at the gunk that comes out of the carbon when you wash it, and the stink that boils out when you bake it while drying.
I put about 3 cups clean charcoal into a 6.5 gal. glass carbouy and fill it with about 5 gal. of 50% clean alchohol with a coffee filter and rubber band at the top. Pour off and filter as needed. I make a lot of medicinal herbal tinctures and want it as clean as possible.

When diluting, you will notice an immediate exothermal reaction. This takes several weeks to a month to complete. After just a day or 2, you can put a bottle in the freezer and get a slushy. Later as it finishes reacting it won't. Flavor improves also.
Every run you make will get better and easier.

Originally Posted by: Scottyohh!! Go to Quoted Post

Can you explain this a little to me? How much carbon are you putting in per Qt?

Are you using a standard kitchen style strainer lined with coffee filter?

I am interested in this method....It gets kinda old filtering the hooch through a column filter like I have...

I think eventually I want to have my wash to the point where I dont need to filter it. Im sure this will just come with experience making the wash and cuts.
Offline Scottyohh!!  
#15 Posted : Saturday, December 04, 2010 4:14:37 AM(UTC)

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Thanks for the welcome and the info!

Ill keep ya posted on my progress and asks lot more questions!

Glad to hear your daughter is back!"
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