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Recipe requests
needed peach shine, not lightning peach
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Need a recipe for peach shine that's not too strong, sweet, and easy to make. Can't seem to find one anywhere. The recipe for lightning peach and peach that's made from just covering peaches with strong proof are everywhere, but not the sweet easy drinking kind. Can anyone help?
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"So,,,you want it sweet,,,,or you don't want it sweet? How bout fermenting some peaches and distilling the wine? The distillate will not really bole you over with peachy,,ness. Some gents might distill once. Some might strip a batch then back blend low wines with more peach wine and distill again to help with the fruity carry over. Some might distill any number of ways and then fortify the peachy adjunct with a bit of peach wine... Some might do any number of methods mentioned and then age with a charred peach. Do you see where this is going?"
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"If you already have the shine and just want the flavor of the peach but not the fruit itself, you can order the peach schnapps essence from brewhaus. Each essence bottle is good for 750ml's. It might have you add sugar to the mixture which will sweenten it up a bit. If you want it sweeter, just add more sugar. Here is the link. . BTW I tried the banana essence with a high proof shine and it was a hit. Cheers! TS"
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Negative on the schnapps essence. I want to do a good peach distillate also and I AM going to find a decent wine. I agree with back blend with low wines. I'm not against the essences but I surely want some good brandy.
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" Originally Posted by: sea captian  Need a recipe for peach shine that's not too strong, sweet, and easy to make. Can't seem to find one anywhere. The recipe for lightning peach and peach that's made from just covering peaches with strong proof are everywhere, but not the sweet easy drinking kind. Can anyone help? Basically what you need to do is find a good peach wine recipie and run it through a still. I'd keep it between 80 and 90 proof because the alcohol strength can kill the taste of the peaches and if the alcohol isn't strong enough, the peaches can easily overpower the alcohol within a matter of 2 weeks. I found this out the hard way and drank too much one night. I also recomend using pectin which you can get in the canning isle at your local super market. This will keep the fruit from turning into vinegar during the fermentation process."
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How long did it take for this to ferment out Knight? I would figure it would fizzle out after a week or less because of the bakers yeast being intolerant to alcohol. I figured Id ask because I only have certain days I can run and I dont like letting it set to long before run it. I try to shoot for no more than 2 to 3 days after whatever it is I ferment, stops.
Anyway....sounds like a good recipe and I look forward to giving it a whirl.
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My recipe it basicly the same as NM's except I don't use brown sugar. Most times its done fermenting in around 10-14 days depends on temp. Since I live with people who seem to be hot all the time, I'm usually fermenting in the lower temp range. I add gelatin and help it clear all suspended bits to the bottom siphon it into my boiler through a coffee filter just incase I suck any junk outa the bottom.
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Hey.... Wait... a..... minute...... Is that like 4 cans like the lunch lady opens or is that 4 cans like I cut open for me and my old lady. This could get real convuluted real quick when ya start comparing beany weenies to foot long hot dogs.
I'm gonna guess just for the sake of peach flavor, we're talking about lunch lady land style cans of peachs. A LARGE can. Danged ol world is a changing place.... Jumbo took over large a long time ago. Help please for the greenie beanies here haha.
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LOL Whaler I try and get bulk cans like 1/2 and 1 gallon cans from restaurant supply chains as we buy a lot of bulk food from there. I don't know if retail stores sell any larger then 30oz cans least I haven't seen anything bigger in my stores. I try to use fresh fruit whenever possible we make syrups from them as well as hooch sometimes syrup in the hooch LOL
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Originally Posted by: whaler  How long did it take for this to ferment out Knight? I would figure it would fizzle out after a week or less because of the bakers yeast being intolerant to alcohol. I figured Id ask because I only have certain days I can run and I dont like letting it set to long before run it. I try to shoot for no more than 2 to 3 days after whatever it is I ferment, stops.
Anyway....sounds like a good recipe and I look forward to giving it a whirl. It depends on your fermentation temps, but usually around 7 to 14 days. Originally Posted by: epicdoom  My recipe it basicly the same as NM's except I don't use brown sugar. Most times its done fermenting in around 10-14 days depends on temp. Since I live with people who seem to be hot all the time, I'm usually fermenting in the lower temp range. I add gelatin and help it clear all suspended bits to the bottom siphon it into my boiler through a coffee filter just incase I suck any junk outa the bottom. Then I pot still it in a short but wide traditional lyne arm copper still. In My experience the less distance the vapor travels before its condensed the better the flavor Even when run fairly slow. The colder temps slows it way down and it does take a little bit longer. The brown sugar really helped it out alot. Originally Posted by: whaler  Hey.... Wait... a..... minute...... Is that like 4 cans like the lunch lady opens or is that 4 cans like I cut open for me and my old lady. This could get real convuluted real quick when ya start comparing beany weenies to foot long hot dogs.
I'm gonna guess just for the sake of peach flavor, we're talking about lunch lady land style cans of peachs. A LARGE can. Danged ol world is a changing place.... Jumbo took over large a long time ago. Help please for the greenie beanies here haha. Basically you can use jumbo cans if you want to but for small scale distilleries, 2 steps larger than the "vienna sausage" cans. Originally Posted by: epicdoom  LOL Whaler I try and get bulk cans like 1/2 and 1 gallon cans from restaurant supply chains as we buy a lot of bulk food from there. I don't know if retail stores sell any larger then 30oz cans least I haven't seen anything bigger in my stores. I try to use fresh fruit whenever possible we make syrups from them as well as hooch sometimes syrup in the hooch LOL I wouldn't go that big for a 5 to 6.5 gallon batch.
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What would be the drawbacks of using too many peaches? I'm guessing that after a point, your not adding more flavor as much as bulk. Idk.... Maybe I'm wrong.
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Originally Posted by: whaler  What would be the drawbacks of using too many peaches? I'm guessing that after a point, your not adding more flavor as much as bulk. Idk.... Maybe I'm wrong. Too many peaches can really screw up the mash process. It will also affect how much ABV you get, and your final product will also be affected. The Jumbo sized cans are for large batches such as 10 to 15 gallons. The size that I told you is for 5 to 8 gallon batches, and if you want to go smaller for 2 to 3 gallon stills, just use half of the amount of peaches that I listed in the recipie. Basically I did use too many peaches once and that's all I could taste for days. The fruit will eventually overpower the taste of the alcohol, but you don't want that right out of the still either.
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Good info there. I bought 3 1lb cans last night and I was hoping to do 2 15 gallon mash so as to come out with enough product to maybe age some. I'm sure I'll need more hahaha.
I'll try to avoid the peach overkill.
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Originally Posted by: whaler  Good info there. I bought 3 1lb cans last night and I was hoping to do 2 15 gallon mash so as to come out with enough product to maybe age some. I'm sure I'll need more hahaha.
I'll try to avoid the peach overkill. It took me 2 batches to figure out that I was using too many peaches. I also recomend using french oak cubes for aging and allow it to age for 8 weeks and enjoy. The hardest part was the waiting, L.O.L.
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So should I use 4 big cans per 15 gallon batch? Do you think that would be too much? I want to do it right.
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Huh. French oak cubes. Sounds fancy. Where do you get those? France? hahaha
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Hey wait. These are 6lbs cans. In light syrup. The syrup is just corn syrup so I figure I'm not missing much but sugar is sugar. So I got 18 lbs of peaches the other day...... Do I got enuff yet? LOL
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Originally Posted by: whaler  So should I use 4 big cans per 15 gallon batch? Do you think that would be too much? I want to do it right. I'd use 6 cans for 15 gallon batches. Originally Posted by: whaler  Huh. French oak cubes. Sounds fancy. Where do you get those? France? hahaha You can get them at any good homebrew shop. Midwest Brew Supplies carries them. Here's the link: http://www.midwestsuppli...itives/oak.html?limit=64 Just highlight and copy the link and then paste it in your web browser. Originally Posted by: whaler  Hey wait. These are 6lbs cans. In light syrup. The syrup is just corn syrup so I figure I'm not missing much but sugar is sugar. So I got 18 lbs of peaches the other day...... Do I got enuff yet? LOL Oh you should be fine, L.O.L.
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I hadda go back and read your recipe earlier and I saw you edited it. The cans you speak of are 1lb cans and 4 cans per 5 to 6.5 gallon mash that equals 12 lbs of peaches for a 15 gallon mash. I'm not sure the way you talk about overkill, If 16 lbs won't be overkill. Although their in light syrup and their not the good name brand.... I'm not scared to just put 2 big cans for 12 lbs since you worked it down to that. I'm about the goodness above expeditionary exploring. I figure, do it to the letter. 30 gallons worth Hahahaha. I might get 4 quarts back on this one.... First I gotta mash some corn sugar for my buddy so I can get my equipment back heh heh heh.... Ol lady turned me into a territorial outlaw for a little while lol.
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Originally Posted by: whaler  I hadda go back and read your recipe earlier and I saw you edited it. The cans you speak of are 1lb cans and 4 cans per 5 to 6.5 gallon mash that equals 12 lbs of peaches for a 15 gallon mash. I'm not sure the way you talk about overkill, If 16 lbs won't be overkill. Although their in light syrup and their not the good name brand.... I'm not scared to just put 2 big cans for 12 lbs since you worked it down to that. I'm about the goodness above expeditionary exploring. I figure, do it to the letter. 30 gallons worth Hahahaha. I might get 4 quarts back on this one.... First I gotta mash some corn sugar for my buddy so I can get my equipment back heh heh heh.... Ol lady turned me into a territorial outlaw for a little while lol. You should be fine. 20 pounds or more is considered over kill. Remember that you'll be losing some flavor when you distill it. The first time I tried this recipie, I used 25 lbs of peaches and it overpowered the alcohol. People wouldn't hardly go near the 2nd batch after that because everyone ended up getting plastered from the peaches over powering the alcohol. The second batch had too high of a proof in which a little water helped it out alot.
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Recipe requests
needed peach shine, not lightning peach
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