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"This is a simple sugar wash and as most of us know vodka is made with sugar. The credit for this recipe goes to several other folks not me, I saw it somewhere else on the forum and wanted to add it here so when folks come looking for it they can find it where it should be. So here ya go nice and easy and everything from the grocery store.
This is a 5 gallon recipe and can no dought be scaled up or down... 10 lbs of sugar 1 6oz. can of tomato paste 4-5 tbspns of DAP or its equivilent ( nutrients and enzymes) you can use lemon juice and beanno tabs or liquid. a good sized pinch of epsom salt if you have it. 1-2 little envelopes of bakers yeast. (try distillers yeast or ec-1118 or any yeast you want they all work)
Put everything listed except yeast in your fermenter. Put your water in a BOP and get it to a boil, this will drive off any bad things in the water. Now once that water is up to temp pour it over everything in your bucket (except your yeast - the boiling water will kill it) and mix very well. Try to make a aerating action as to add O2 back the water. Now after the water cools down to 80-85F add your yeast and givera a good stir put a lid on your fermenter and keep it somewhat cool like in your house - lots of folks leave it in the barn but I like it a little cooler than that. For my liking under 80F is ideal. This should be ready in a week or so. Its a no flavor neutral but you still have to make cuts from the fores,heads and tails. Happy stillin."
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Here is a ((( NOT SO SIMPLE ))sugar wash that i tailored for my 8 gallon boiler-- I stole most of the method. Its a lot of messing around but i enjoy this hobby mainly because of the chemistry involved
1-- A 7 GALLONS BATCH OF SUGAR WASH (for pure spirit or vodka & gin) (((START AS 6 GALLONS --- (((BECOMES 7 WHEN ALL IS FINISHED))) 1A—research the use of calcium carbonate.
2--need--Ph meter-citric acid-DAP- formulated yeast energizer- yeast nutrient-yeast hulls- malt extract-beakers-- 10 gallon bucket -stirrer -sugar -scales-3 Ziplocs—(triple scale hydrometer) and a refractometer
3--NAME OF YEAST=_ec1118 USE 2 PACKETS-use 1 gallon glass jar for starter bottle SEE STARTER BOTTLE METHOD IN 8D thru 8H
4-- 6 gallons, the batch is about 7 gallons--- 20 POUNDS OF SUGUAR,WILL YIELD ABOUT 14.5% ALCOHOL—adding 1.5 pounds of malt extract will bring the P.A. up to about 16%
5--D.A.P.--125 grams total- in three zip locks--45g--45gr--35gr-( use gunpowder scale) ALSO add 1 tsp of "yeast nutrient, yeast energizer" and "yeast hulls" to each zip lock bag
6-- Acid blend--add 1-tablespoon to wort BEFORE ((see note B just below)) adding the first zip lock bag ((note effect on ph)) If P.H. is above 4, add a second TBSP. of acis blend. B--ADJUST--acid--- ((FIRST)) (try only 1 tbsp acid blend and test))) Adjust ph to 4 and test periodically to keep it in the 3.4 to 4 range- --
C--see potassium bicarbonate notes to raise ph and gypsum or acid to lower it.
7--((be sure to add all ingredients to zip lock bags as stated in step 5))
8-- Mix sugar syrup--add 5 quarts water to the sugar and heat to completely dissolve the sugar ADD--Add the ((1.5 pounds)) pound of malt extract - ((no more)) Dry requires 20% less(19.2) ounces
A--TOP UP WITH TAP WATER TO 6 GALLONS and add first DAP packet that contains energizer and hulls
((Wort must have the additives mixed in it already)) D-- NOW Make THE starter bottle 1 liter wort & 1 liter water. AERATE-15 minutes before adding the yeast packs.
F--Add 2 packets yeast to the starter bottle and allow 6 hours (( maybe overnight)) to re hydrate and multiply—yeast splits once every 2 to 4 hours. ((Ideal conditions allow yeast to split every 20 to 30 minutes)) My calculations are based on a probable 1.5 hours lag time and 2yeast splits ((((I'm considering longer starter bottle times))) possibly 8 hours
G--Aerate wort for 1 hour during the last hour of rehydrating the yeast in the starter bottle
I--Stir often--at least 3 times a day for the first 2 days
NOTE-- making tests--MAKE ALL DAILY ENTRY'S ON the new ATTACHED CHART - ((don't eliminate tests)) ((I'M A LAZY BUM))
A-- ((((STARTING ON THIRD DAY))))--stir daily only once every morning until racked to carboy under lock
NOTE:-- NOTE:-- ((((ALSO ON THIRD DAY))))--add second 45 gm of dap that contains energizer + hulls ((( add slowly or it may overflow)) Mix the packet in a total of 1 cup water and then add (( only a few tablespoons )) at a time
ON THE FIFTH DAY--RE AERATE AND ADD THE LAST ENVELOPE CONTAINING 35 GR. OF D.A.P. that includes the energizer and hulls
(((Again add slowly as explained in NOTE ABOVE or it may overflow))
NOTE###-- Keep testing once daily until S.G. Shows 1.020 or less
ALWAYS USE THE NEW--daily record sheets for--P.A.--S.G. ---P.H. and bubbles/sec in air lock
NOTE# 2--The wash is a wine of sorts and may be stored for a later date always ((clarify and stabilize))
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What is D.A.P. or DAP? I can assume its a nutrient but what?
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" Originally Posted by: johnnyapplepie  What is D.A.P. or DAP? I can assume its a nutrient but what? Diammonium Phosphate. Yes, it's a nutrient. Some vendors sell it with urea mixed in and just call it ""Yeast Nutrient"" or something similar. If it's labeled that way, the product description will usually mention something like, ""Food grade urea and diammonium phosphate."" You should be able to find it at most brew shops at somewhere around 4 USD/pound. --JB"
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Here's mine, it's a stolen recipe that I've modded over time: Sugar Wash Ingredients - for a 6 gal wash (source a 25 lbs bag)
- 10 pounds sugar
- 1/8 tsp Epsom salt
- 1/4 c yeast
- 1 dropper of B-12
- 1 tsp of citric acid
- 2 tbsp of DAP
- 10 pounds sugar
- 1/8 tsp Epsom salt
- 1/4 c yeast
- 1 tbsp 5.2 ph stabilizer
- 1 15oz can tomato sauce
- 1 tbsp of DAP
Process - In the fermenter
- Allow yeast to come to room temp
- Cover sugar with 2 gallons of hot water and stir until sugar is dissolved
- Add all other ingrediants to the fermenter
- Stir for 1 minute
- Top off fermenter and allow to cool to 90* - 95*
- SG will be apx 1.075 (don't go over 1.085)
- Activate yeast in 1 quart of wash
- Add activated yeast & cover with towel
- Aerate several times before hard cover
- Hard cover and airlock after 24hr
- After 5 - 7 days add 2.5 lbs sugar
- This will work off in 10 - 14 days (SG 1.000 or less)
- Give it 2 - 3 days to clear
- Add ¾ cup kosher salt and 1 1/4 cup soda ash to the final run
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Joined: 9/5/2010(UTC) Posts: 15
When you say to add sugar after 5-7 days do you just add sugar and stir or dissolve in hot water let cool and add. Not sure exact way should be done.
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Hi Yurmo, I would dissolve in warm h2o w/ a dash more nutrients then add. Water does not have to be hot to dissolve sugar it is just does it quicker but then you have to wait for it to cool to add to fermentor. Just a little warm is fine and will take just a minute longer to dissolve sugar.
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"How Many people add this to their run?
-Add ¾ cup kosher salt and 1 1/4 cup soda ash to the final run
What are the benifits?
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Thanks Hokey. Been wondering since I saw your name are you a Hokey or is that your name? I am a Hokey class of 1971.
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Originally Posted by: yurmo  Thanks Hokey. Been wondering since I saw your name are you a Hokey or is that your name? I am a Hokey class of 1971. Hokey is just a nickname passed down from my two older bros.
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Thanks heeler! I have been searching for this recipe in a size that is better suited for my smaller reflux set up. I ran across a similar recipe on another forum, however i was having trouble converting from liters and what not. (Mostly because i have been lazy) I was wondering if you could be more specific on how many/much Beano to use in place of the DAP, as well as how many lemons. Just a rough number on the amount of lemon juice is good enough. I am trying to make a run to prove to my better half that my rig is worth keeping, instead of selling/scrapping. Thanks so much in advance!!!
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I use 3 beanno and a squirt of juice no real measurement....ya cant really mess it up. I buy the little 16oz jug but I'm sure 1 lemon squeezed and added to the pot would work too.
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