"This post is primarily for those of us with CM rigs, but hobbyists with other types of rigs may find it useful.
I started this thread to clear up a common misunderstanding about what is happening in the vicinity of the column condenser in a CM rig. Hopefully, it'll help us improve our techniques (or experiment with new ones) and lead to better overall results. I'll try to add some graphics later, if appropriate.
I'll start with a simple statement:
[COLOR=""#FF0000""]You can't control the vapor temperature by making adjustments to your column condenser cooling water.[/COLOR]Now here's why:
We all know that pure water boils at 100 C at standard temperature and pressure. When we start with a pot full of cold water, we put it on a burner, cut in the heat and it warms up. Once it reaches 100 C, we get our steam (water vapor),. If we increase the heat we can get more steam (more volume), but still the water remains at 100 C. Most of us take this fact for granted. It's just the boiling point (BP) of water.
The same goes for our washes. They have their own unique boiling point based on their contents. If we have a solution of pure ethanol (with a BP of 78.4 C) and pure water (BP 100 C)
the boiling point of the solution is going to fall somewhere between 78.4 and 100 C. The actual BP of the solution will depend of the relative concentrations of the ethanol and water. For example, a 10% abv wash will have a BP very close to 93 C. You can find the BP of an ethanol-water solution by looking at a phase diagram.
One common misunderstanding is that once our example 10% wash reaches 78.4 C all of the ethanol will vaporize and leave the water conveniently behind. This would indeed be handy, but unfortunately it's not how a solution behaves. This might be the case if all of the ethanol and water molecules were to spontaneously separate themselves -- with the pure ethanol occupying an invisible cylinder in the middle of our boiler. In which case we'd only need a drain and the entire distillation process wouldn't be necessary. But in a real solution all of those molecules are randomly (but more or less uniformly) distributed throughout the solution. And they're all attracted to each other by forces of nature.
So, when we heat up our liquid solution, we're adding energy. As we add energy the temperature rises and the attraction between the molecules diminishes. Eventually we arrive at the
solution's boiling point and some of those molecules (both ethanol
and water) manage to break free from the solution to form a vapor. Now comes a key point, the vapor will contain a greater volume of ethanol. If we were to condense the vapor from our example 10% wash we'd end up with roughly 53% ethanol and 47% water (again see the phase diagram).
Now, once we're at the boiling point of a solution
the temperature does not change. All of that energy we're pumping into the solution is essentially trapped by the vapor. It's referred to as the ""latent heat of vaporization."" Latent heat is ""the heat released or absorbed by a body or a thermodynamic system during a process that occurs without a change in temperature."" It's the energy that changes the state from liquid to vapor.
By this point, you may be wondering what all this has to do with the column condenser. Well, the reverse process occurs during condensation. That is, the column condenser tubes remove some of the latent heat from the vapor (via a heat exchange with the cooling water). If enough energy is removed from the vapor (the latent heat of condensation), the vapor condenses. And here's where the next key point comes in:
the temperature of the vapor does not change. Just like the temperature of our solution did not change once at the boiling point, the temperature of the vapor does not change either. And just like adding heat increases the volume of vapor production, removing more heat increases the volume of vapor condensation. If we remove enough latent heat, we'll knock down (condense) all of the vapor. So when we adjust our cooling water, we're simply adjusting how much latent heat we're removing. And the temperature of any vapor that makes it through the condenser remains unchanged.
[COLOR=""#FF0000""]All of this simply means that you can only control your collection rate with the cooling water.[/COLOR] The column condenser will indiscriminately remove latent heat from whatever vapor mix is at the top of your column. If you obtained good separation and just heads are waiting there, then you can condense heads. If you have smeared heads/hearts, then you will be able to condense smeared heads/hearts. But you won't be able to collect just the heads from a smeared mix by adjusting the cooling water any more than you'd be able to get the ethanol to flash off at 78.4 degrees in a 10% abv wash.
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