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Offline John Barleycorn  
#1 Posted : Tuesday, September 04, 2012 1:18:13 PM(UTC)
John Barleycorn

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"I found the following post while investigating ester production. Although it's primarily geared towards home brewing, it contains a lot of very good information. And since so many off-flavors are related to fermentation, I thought this was an appropriate place to post.

Due to the length of the original post, it will appear as two separate posts with a few sections removed. Please refer to the supplied URL to view the original text in its entirety.


Off-Flavor Guidlines (Part 1)
by "Thirsty"


This section is intended to give an overview of the more important flavors and flaws that may be
encountered while judging. Some of these flavors may be appropriate in some styles, but not in others,
and the desirability will depend on the concentration. For this reason, not all of these characteristics are
considered to be off-flavors. There are several references that offer a more detailed description of
potential flavor and appearance flaws in beer. Most homebrewing handbooks discuss them in
appendices, and although it is somewhat outdated, the 1987 Zymurgy Special Issue on Troubleshooting
is worth reading. The more technically inclined reader should consult George Fix's Principles of
Brewing Science and George and Laurie Fixs' Analysis of Brewing Techniques. Finally, Brewing
Techniques is running a Focus on Flavors column through 1998 that describes the flavors that appear
on the Beer Flavor Wheel.


This compound has the taste and aroma of fresh-cut green apples, and has also been compared to grass,
green leaves and latex paint. It is normally reduced to ethanol by yeast during the secondary
fermentation, but oxidation of the finished beer may reverse this process, converting ethanol to
acetaldehyde. Elevated levels are generally present in green beer or if the beer is prematurely removed
from the yeast. It can also be a product of bacterial spoilage by Zymomonas or Acetobacter.
Background levels of acetaldehyde can be tasted in Budweiser due to the use of beechwood chips to
drop the yeast before it can be reduced to ethanol.


This flavor may be detected as a spicy, vinous character in the aroma and taste and is often
accompanied by a warm or prickly mouthfeel. The simplest and most prevalent alcohol in beer is
ethanol, which is produced by the fermentation of glucose and other reducing sugars. Higher, or fusel,
alcohols are usually present at sub-threshold concentrations, but elevated levels are associated with
underpitching, low levels of dissolved oxygen prior to pitching or low levels of free available nitrogen
(FAN). These deficiencies force the yeast to metabolize fatty acids in the trub as a source of oxygen
and carbon, producing a greater fraction of long chain alcohols. High gravity worts and high
fermentation temperatures also tend to increase the concentration of these higher alcohols through
increased yeast activity. Alcoholic characteristics are desired in strong ales and lagers as long as they
are not coupled with the solvent notes associated with elevated ester or fusel alcohol levels.


This flavor is a mouthpuckering sensation that is comparable to chewing on grape skins or grape seeds.
It is often produced by the extraction of tannins from grain husks due to overcrushing oversparging, or
sparging with alkaline or boiling water. Astringency may also be produced by polyphenols that result
from spoilage by acetobacter or wild yeast. Another possible source is oxidation, in which case the
responsible compounds are polyphenols and aldehydes. Finally, spices such as coriander, orange peel
and cinnamon also contribute astringent flavors, but these tend to mellow with age. Note that over-
attenuation and low dextrin levels can increase the perception of astringency.


Bitterness, or rather excessive bitterness, is perceived as a harsh dry taste mostly on the back of the
tongue. It is usually due to over-hopping, especially when high alpha hops are used. Roasted malts and
high concentrations of magnesium and sulfate ions also contribute to the overall bitterness. Bitter
compounds may also be produced by oxidation or contamination by wild yeast, in which case there are
usually other off-flavors. High levels of hop bitterness are appropriate in IPAs and barleywines, while
bitterness due to roasted barley/malt is appropriate in robust porters and dry stouts.


The body of a beer is characterized as the fullness of the flavor and mouthfeel, and descriptors range
from watery or characterless to satiating or thick. Body is technically separate from mouthfeel, which
encompasses physical sensations such as astringency, alcoholic warmth and carbonation, but the
combination determines how the beer stimulates the palate. The body is determined by the levels of
dextrins and medium-length proteins. Lack of dextrins is caused by low saccharification temperatures,
excessive use of adjuncts or by highly attenuative yeast strains. A low protein level may be caused by
excessively long protein rests, excessive fining or the addition of large amounts of fermentable sugars.
Light body is appropriate in American light lagers and lambics, but not in malt-accented styles such as
barleywines and doppelbocks.


This compound is responsible for an artificial butter, butterscotch or toffee- like aroma and taste. At
low levels, it may also produce a slickness on the palate. A significant number of tasters cannot
perceive diacetyl at any concentration, so every judge should be aware of his or her limitations.
Diacetyl is a fermentation by-product which is normally absorbed by the yeast and reduced to more
innocuous diols. High levels can result from prematurely separating the beer from the yeast or by
exposure to oxygen during the fermentation. Low FAN levels or mutation may also inhibit the ability
of yeast to reduce diacetyl. Note that high fermentation temperatures promote both the formation and
elimination of diacetyl, but the latter is more effective. For that reason, lager breweries often employ a
diacetyl rest, which involves holding the beer in the 50-55 F range for a few days after racking to the
conditioning tank. Diacetyl is also produced by some strains of lactic acid bacteria, notably
Pediococcus damnosus. Low levels of diacetyl are permissible in nearly all ales, particularly those
brewed in Scotland, and even some lagers, including Czech pilsners and Vienna-style beers.


DMS, or dimethyl-sulfide produces the aroma and taste of cooked vegetables, notably corn, celery,
cabbage or parsnips. In extreme cases, it may even be reminiscent of shellfish or water in which shrimp
has been boiled. DMS is normally produced by the heat-induced conversion of S-methyl-methionine,
but most of this evaporates during an open, rolling boil. A closed boil or slow cooling of the wort may
therefore lead to abnormally high levels. Some DMS is also scrubbed out during a vigorous
fermentation, which is why lagers and cold-conditioned ales may have slightly higher levels than
warm-fermented ales. Wild yeast or Zymomonas bacteria may produce high enough levels of DMS to
make the beer undrinkable. Low levels of DMS are appropriate in most lagers, particularly American
light lagers and pre-prohibition pilsners, but are not desirable in any ale style.


This is an aroma and taste that recalls bananas, strawberries, pears, apples, plums, papaya and/or other
fruits. The responsible compounds are esters, which are formed from the combination of an alcohol and
an organic acid. High ester levels are a product of the yeast strain, fermentation temperature, high
gravity worts and the metabolism of fatty acids in the trub. These flavors are desirable in most ales,
particularly Belgian and British styles, and the signature banana notes in Bavarian wheat beers are
primary due to the ester isoamyl acetate. Note that esters often have solvent notes at very high


This is the flavor and aroma of freshly cut grass or green leaves. Responsible compounds include the
aldehydes hexanal and heptanal, which are produced by the oxidation of alcohols in the finished beer or
the deterioration of improperly stored malt or hops. Some English and American hop varieties produce
grassy notes if used in large quantities, but this flavor should not be a significant part of the profile."
Offline John Barleycorn  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, September 04, 2012 1:21:48 PM(UTC)
John Barleycorn

Rank: Senior Member


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Joined: 1/12/2012(UTC)
Posts: 804

Was thanked: 5 time(s) in 5 post(s)
Off-Flavor Guidlines (Part 2)
by "Thirsty"


This may be perceived in both the aroma and the taste and is reminiscent of the flavor of spent grains.
Possible causes include overcrushing, oversparging or sparging with hot or alkaline water. Long
mashes may also leach these flavors from the grain husks. Low levels are acceptable in some lagers,
but are not appropriate in any ale.


This aroma and taste is due to the presence of the same mercaptans that are found in the scent glands of
skunks. These compounds are formed when ultraviolet light cleaves an isohumulone molecule, and the
resulting radical combines with a sulfur compound. Beer stored in clear or green glass bottles is more
susceptible to this reaction, which is why brown glass offers more protection. Lightstruck flavors are
not desirable in any style, but many European imports possess this quality. Note that Miller Brewing is
able to use clear glass bottles because they use a chemically modified form of isohumulone that does
not interact with light.


This is a stale aroma and taste associated with the oxidation of malt compounds in the melanoidin
family. This oxidation can occur in the mash or boil via hot side aeration or by exposure to air when
racking or bottling. The responsible compounds may be latter transformed to their reduced state by
oxidizing alcohols into aldehydes. Musty flavors are generally not desirable, but may be found in some
cellared beer styles such as biere de garde.


These are perceived in both the aroma and flavor and are primarily due to the aldehyde, 2-trans-
nonenal. This compound has an extremely low flavor threshold and is produced by the oxidation of
higher alcohols. The threat of oxidation may be reduced by minimizing splashing of the hot wort or of
the fermented beer while racking or bottling. This flavor is never appropriate and is rare in homebrew
due to the reducing power of yeast, but it is a common flaw in many old or abused commercial beers.


This is an aroma and taste often compared to Band-aids (tm), medicine chest or disinfectant.
Chlorophenols are particularly offensive members of this family with bleach-like flavors in addition to
the ones listed above. High levels of phenols are generally produced by bacteria or wild yeast, both of
which indicate a sanitation problem. Phenols may also be extracted from grain husks by overcrushing,
oversparging or sparging with hot or alkaline water. Chlorinated water or sanitizer residue are possible
sources of chlorophenols. Phenolic flavors are generally never desirable, the exception being the clove-
like, vanilla-like or slightly smoky flavors and aromas in Bavarian wheat beers and some Belgian ales.


This is the aroma and taste of dry sherry and is often accompanied by hazelnut or almond notes. The
responsible compounds are oxidized members of the melanoidin family. This flavor is one of the few
positive flavors attributed to oxidation and adds complexity to barleywines, old ales and Scotch ales.
Sherry-like flavors are considered a defect in most other styles, particularly low-gravity ales.


This describes an aroma and taste similar to turpentine or acetone that is often accompanied by a
burning sensation in the back of the mouth. It is due to high concentrations of ethyl acetate and other
esters, as well as fusel alcohols. Possible sources include underpitching and fermenting on the trub,
especially at elevated temperatures. Contamination by wild yeast may produce elevated levels of both
esters and fusel alcohols. Solvent-like notes are generally undesirable, but perceptible levels may be
encountered in old ales such as Theakstons Old Peculier.


This is one of the five basic tastes, and is often perceived the most on the sides of the tongue, towards
the rear of the mouth. The two most common acids responsible for this flavor are lactic and acetic,
which both have related esters that may be perceived in the aroma. Lactic acid is produced by Gram
positive bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Pediococcus, which are present in dust and saliva. Acetic
acid may be produced by several contaminants, including Acetobacter, Zymomonas, and yeast in the
Kloeckera and Brettanomyces families. High levels of sour and acidic flavors generally indicate a
sanitation problem, but they are an important part of the profile of the lambic, oud bruin and Berliner
weiss styles, and to a lesser extent, Belgian white beers.


These flavors, not to be confused with DMS, have the aroma and taste of rotten eggs, shrimp or rubber.
The compounds responsible for these flavors originate from sulfur-containing amino acids such as
cysteine and methionine. Possible sources include yeast autolysis, bacterial spoilage and water
contamination. These flavors can be quite putrid and are not desirable in any style. In the same family
are sulfitic flavors, which recall the aroma of a struck match. They are usually due to the overuse of
antioxidants, and while rare in beer, are quite common in wine and cider.


Sweetness is a basic taste perceived most strongly at the tip of the tongue and is due to the presence of
reducing sugars. High levels of residual sugars can result from a flocculent or low-attenuating yeast or
poor yeast health linked to low FAN levels or low levels of dissolved oxygen prior to pitching. High
gravity worts, high dextrin content and the addition of lactose also play a role in determining the
sweetness of the finished beer. The appropriate level is style-dependent, with high levels desirable in
most strong ales and lagers, and low levels in American light lagers and lambics.
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