I know this isn't really the proper place to ask this question, and i apoligize to everyone, especially Rick, in advance, but! I really want to know and can't get an answer from the offending 'site'! So here it is, what happned to the 'Home Distillers.org' forum? I was, without any warning or reason, cut off from participation in that forum and I wonder why? Can anyone tell me whats going on? True, I did not 'register' or 'join' the group, but their introduction page does not say I MUST do this either. Sometimes anominity is a good thing, depending on your location ,counrty, provider, etc., and in my particular case it's best I don't make too much info available for the wrong people to see. I don't see why we can't just discuss our common interest without having to compromise our privacy AND safety! Maybe there is good reason for this action, but it does no good to act in an arbitrary manner without first notifying the readers of the impending action.
After all, these 'Guest's' were invited by the forums format to participate in the first place, so why should a moderator ,or whomever, persume to just toss them out without so much as a warning or reason?
One of the best features of this ,Brewhaus, forum, is the fact that anyone with an interest in the subject, can ask questions and get help BEFORE he poisons himself or others, without surrendering to the 'control freak' mentality ,governments and other profit driven interests, that has forced most of us into the covert ,and usually illegal,activity of home distilling!
Thanks for allowing me to 'vent my spleen'
I apoligize again but there is no place else to plead my ,our, case!
One very disappointed hobbyst.