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Hey people just wanted to introduce myself. im new to this and want to learn how to make moonshine. My name is Phil from florida. im gonna read alot before i post. Basically trying to make a still from a keg shell. something basic till i figure it out. This site looks like a good one. cant wait to get started 
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Welcome Phil.. you chose a good site here. I started with no knowledge and asked some questions here did some research and built my equipment and have been making good likker ever since.
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Welcome, slow69beetle!
If you have a question, just ask. We're glad to share.
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Joined: 7/14/2012(UTC) Posts: 217
Welcome slow69bettle, yep great site and extremely fun hobby!!!!!! You'll have a blast and if you have any questions I can assure you there is someone on here that can answer it. Happy Hooching!
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Thank you guys!! everyone seems so friendly. not use to that on forums
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fire away-- we love to talk about distilling.
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Joined: 11/3/2012(UTC) Posts: 5
basically i have a keg shell, and was thinking about buying a tower from mile hi distillery website. I was curious if i can make the mash in the keg, let it ferment and then go about heating it up and making the shine. Or i wasn't sure if i had to ferment in a different container then pour the mash into my keg when ready and start the process. Also has anyone made there own tower for a keg? do the towers have to be made from stainless steel or copper? can other metal be used? Is my idea good for a first timer? Just trying to use containers i have laying around the house. i have a few keg shells.. Any light that can be shed on this situation would be great - Phil
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Joined: 8/22/2012(UTC) Posts: 201
Only part im able to answer here is the ferment part. You wouldnt want to ferment in the boiler because after its finished you want only the liquid. No solids should enter the still as they will burn on the bottom and taste bad in the distillate. Even if you don't use corn etc the yeast itself will produce sediment that will collect on the bottom of the ferment bucket once finished. I personally strain even my liquid through a cheese cloth into my boiler after ferment is complete to make sure no solids enter.
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Joined: 11/3/2012(UTC) Posts: 5
okay,. thank you Mkjt88, very good information. whats a good container to ferment in? and how long does it usually take to ferment? Also what do you do with whats left over once the liquid is strained out?
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"I have to agree with Mjkt...you really dont want to ferment in the boiler. I know you saw that on Moonshiners and they do shit like that on purpose so when YOU do it you will fail. I use a unit just like you want to make, its really easy to accomplish with a little reading and studying on this forum. Everything you need is easy to access at home depot or Lowes except 2 inch copper. Ya know buying a finished tower is a good idea though because its a finished product and you can get to cookin ASAP. I mean any 5-6 gallon bucket will do the job as long as you sterilize it good before use. I use my 8 gallon keg now almost exclusivally but I have 3 or 4 different kegs up in the barn. I only do 5 gallon ferments so its a no brainer ya know??? Anyway all these folks here like to help and we're all here for the same reason so keep reading and learnig and asking questions."
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well i think im going to go with the 18" tower from brewhaus and the gold frementer starter kit. What do you guys think?
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Joined: 1/27/2012(UTC) Posts: 526
Hi, If you have the funds you may consider the PSII high capacity keg kit. It has everything you will need to connect to your keg, and it has the reducer, connector, clamps, pump, hoses, etc.The tower top half can be used as a pot still or you combine both top and bottom for a reflux. Later down the road you will probably want to do some refluxing and will end up haveing to get a new tower. The fermentation kit has everything you need to get started, even a filter rig.
Have Fun.
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