I was also thinking that if it was ran hot, there was prolly some smearing in there too..
Now that doesn't mean ya toss this, you are prolly gonna end up rerunning it slower
(lower temp, slower take off rate, more time), or add it to the next run.
It is really important to control the heat when you start - And that begins with knowing the local temp at which water boils where you live. We all think it's 212, but in reality, that will vary based on where you are and weather conditions too... Where I am, it's 206-207 most days. The temp at which the EtOH will vaporize is also lower in that case and you need to know where that's at (yes, there's a calculation for that).. Assuming 172 or 173 could prove inaccurate and too much heat is used in Pot mode, smears, if in reflux mode and the coolant flow isn't right, pretty the same effect I think..
From my experiences (and I use gas too), I fire it on med-high till I see a column temp of about 135, i cut the heat back and creep into the EtOH boiling temp and just take my sweet time about it. Once I am in the band (from where EtOH starts coming out), I cut the heat back to minimums and just let the distillation take it's course. As stated, you are going to see a natural and gradual rise in temps as you work thru the batch.
There's so much more, I'm just skimming the basics.
Heed the Heeler's advice
Heeler wrote:Read up on collecting the distillate.