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Offline flht01  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, March 20, 2013 3:23:59 PM(UTC)

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I'm getting ready to do my second gen UJSSM run and need some advice on using the 3" PSII as a pot still. My first run was a cleaning run/sacrificial run (and 1st gen UJSSM run) all in one. I collected everything with intentions of putting it back in the wash for the second run, so I played with reflux a little, changed the heat with the heat controller to see its effect on the output etc... It actually turned out better than it should have all things considered. Didn't try sampling any but did take a test here and there, harsh and "hot" but decent flavor.

I've used the search function and read thru the search results, several times. I've also read a few threads on the hd site that referenced using reflux and heat management together for pot stilling.

Based on everything I've read, I plan to use the upper column only with copper packing and setting the heat controller to get a fast drip (4 to 5 drops per second) out of the condenser to start pulling the fores. As the column temperature climbs during the different stages of the run, do you change the heat input to maintain the same output at the condenser or leave it alone and let it run?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


for new users that find this thread with the search function
this link is a good read on pot still mode and cuts
and here for rerunning heads and tails
pot still - refluxing for abv
Offline flht01  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:15:09 PM(UTC)

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2nd run report...
Finished the 2nd generation UJSSM run last night. SG started at 1.060 and finished at 0.995, had a total of about 37 L with 2 quarts stripped from the first run added.
I used the top column with all 4 rolls of packing installed and no reflux cooling.
I collected 350 mL foreshots in about 30 minutes then increased the heat to collect at a rate of 70 mL / minute for the rest of the run. ABV started at 60% and stayed there for the first 18 jars (250 mL per jar). I collected 30 jars total with the abv ending up at 39%. Although not relevant, column temp started at 196 and stayed there for the first 18 jars then climbed slowly as the abv decreased.
With only 24 hours air time, I started trying to make cuts.
The first 7 jars had a distinct aftertaste and were marked as heads.
Jar 8 thru 18 seemed to loose the aftertaste and sting but I probably should revisit the first and last few in this group to be sure their smooth enough.
I jumped to the last jar to make sure I could identify what tails taste like since none of the jars had a strong "stink" like often described. Took 15 minuted to get my taste buds working again.
I had to mix a little water with the sample on jar 19 to be sure tails were present. It made a difference and I'll retest the hearts with the sample mixed with a little water.
I'm thinking I might have run a little fast and smeared the tails, I would have thought I would have had more hearts.

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated. Generation 3 is bubbling and it looks like I'll have at least 4 L to add to the next run.
i blended what I think was the hearts from this tun and ended up with 3 quarts. I just dumped all the small jars in a pot to blend it and poured it up in quart jars. It ended up at 110 proof without adding any water and seems to have an aftertaste that I didn't notice before blending. I think I'll just end up dumping this in this with the tails and do a stripping run on gen 3 to get enough feints for a spirit run. I don't know if I ran it too fast and smeared it (would have expected an aftertaste in each jar ) or if I'm just expecting a finished product without having to do a spirit run.... Help ? ...
The hearts turned out to be smeared and will be re-run when I have enough feints collected.
Offline flht01  
#3 Posted : Monday, April 08, 2013 12:20:31 PM(UTC)

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Is anybody using column cooling (modified/reflux pot stilling) to do a single run (with a wash that has no feints added) for flavored spirits?
I'm going to do a spirit run (with the disasters collected from the runs above) in the next week or so and would like to try a single run using column cooling to have something to compare against the results of the spirit run (well, assuming it turns out a success - third times a charm, right?).
If you could offer some advice or point me towards a thread that gives a few pointers of a modified pot still run I would appreciated it.
Offline Bushy  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2013 3:47:26 AM(UTC)

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Hi flht01, The manner in which your talking about making your next run is more like a modified reflux run with a short column. I think you would be better off, if your looking for flavor, to stick with useing the pot still. If you want a reflux run the taller the column the better, up to a certain point.

Try putting 1 roll of copper in your column and lower the heat to your boiler once it starts producing. At 196 your going to smear through the whole run.
Offline flht01  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2013 4:49:28 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bushy Go to Quoted Post

Try putting 1 roll of copper in your column and lower the heat to your boiler once it starts producing. At 196 your going to smear through the whole run.

I'll pull all but one roll out of the column before I run again. I'm filling pint jars about half full, can you give me an idea how long it should take between jars?
BTW, Thanks for the advice. To say I'm struggling would be an understatement.
Offline Bushy  
#6 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2013 6:07:53 AM(UTC)

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There are a lot of variables involved that make it really hard to give a time frame that is acurate.

Once you start to get product lower the heat to your boiler and wait 3-5 minutes for it to take effect, then re-adjust to where you are getting aproximatly 4-6 drops/second. Once you establish a drip rate if you leave the heat to the boiler alone the temp and production rate will progresivly increase towards the end of the run.

You can try lowering the boiler temp again once it starts to rise but it is a PITA and not really worth the trouble. I usually cut my collection off once I start smelling the stronger tails. for me that's about 190-194. I'll continue to collect the tails to run in the next batch until about 198.

I also use the pint jars half full for collecting. It makes it easier to make the cuts.
Offline flht01  
#7 Posted : Tuesday, April 09, 2013 10:21:26 AM(UTC)

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Thanks, Bushy. I'll report back in after I run it. Both fermenters are settling now.
Offline flht01  
#8 Posted : Friday, April 12, 2013 11:36:37 AM(UTC)

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UJSSM 3rd generation run completed last night. Upper column with one roll of packing installed, 10 gallon wash with no feints added. I was collecting 250mL in pint jars and was changing them every 12-13 minutes. Heads started out at 70% 186def F. ABV dropped to 65% and temps rose to about 192deg F in the hearts and by the time I noticed the first signs of tails abc was about 61% and temps were 194deg F. I stopped collecting in the pint jars when I started smelling tails, a quick taste confirmed it. I ran the heat set at 7.5 amps up to this point without having to change it. When the tails started coming thru, I turned the heat up to 15 amps and stripped 4 liters for feints. I ended up with 13 half full jars to make cuts with and I'm sure the last couple have some tails starting to come thru.

I did noticed the different smells as the run progressed this time and attribute it to slowing down. The condenser was at a medium to medium fast drip and the parrot had a very small stream. I was taking about 12 to 13 minutes to collect 250mL. Total run time took about 6 hours. About 3.5 hours of that was on the pint jars.

A big Thanks goes out to Bushy for the advice on this run, I think the advice made a big difference. If anyone can offer any critiques or suggestions for next time I'm all ears. 4th generation wash is about a week away.

I'll report back after cuts are made.
i ended up with 1 quart of hearts (jar 6 thru 9) after making cuts. I think I'll strip the 4th gen and do a spirit run for comparison.
Offline flht01  
#9 Posted : Thursday, April 25, 2013 5:57:17 AM(UTC)

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I finished the 4th generation a few days ago and thought I'd post the results. I ran the top column only with one roll of copper, no feints added to 10 gal of wash. I ran a very small stream of water to the column this time. The heat controller ran at the same setting (around 7.7 amps), takeoff rate was 4-6 drops per second. The abv stayed right around 78% thru most of the run and column temp stayed on 174def F. I ended up keeping only the hearts (about one qt) and dumping the rest in a feints run. So far, I think this run turned out ok. I probably could have kept more but successful blending is something I'm struggling with.

I ran the feints (38%) the same way and the abv stayed at 88% for most of the run. I probably lost a lot of flavor on it and won't run cooling to the tower on spirit runs in the future. The tails did seem to have a lot more flavor and were tolerable to taste. If I could figure out the right way to blend them I could probably use several of the early tails.

Any comments on improving the methods I've used would be appreciated
Offline Bushy  
#10 Posted : Thursday, April 25, 2013 9:08:26 AM(UTC)

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Hi flht01, Thanks for the update on the modified pot run with cooling water to the tower. It's an interesting concept.

As to the volumn collected I can't comment as I don't know the ABV of the wash. But sounds like you had a pretty good run, and somw fun to.

From the description of your 3rd gen run it sounds like you were running the boiler too hot. When you hit temps of 186 your into the tails already. reading your account it sounds as though you were smearing tails across the majority of your hearts. That isn't always a bad thing as it is one way to blend the hearts and tails. You might try lowering your boiler heat a little more after you start getting product next time. When you lower the temp if the product stops coming out then you can up the power a little at a time until you start getting product again. With each change in power wait at least 3 to 5 minutes to let the change take effect.

To the task of blending, cut your product to proof, then use small amounts,(1 cup), and measure each ingredient used, take notes. It takes time and effort to gain knowledge that is useful.
Offline flht01  
#11 Posted : Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:33:25 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bushy Go to Quoted Post
Hi flht01, Thanks for the update on the modified pot run with cooling water to the tower. It's an interesting concept.

Thanks Bushy. The nice part about the modified pot run was the stability of the column temp and takeoff rate. It stayed very consistent thru most of the run, changing only a little before the tails started. I also got a higher abv, closer to what you would expect from a spirit run. Maybe someone with more experience than I have can comment on making a pot still run using this method.

Originally Posted by: Bushy Go to Quoted Post
As to the volumn collected I can't comment as I don't know the ABV of the wash. But sounds like you had a pretty good run, and somw fun to.

I haven't put too much effort in trying to calculate the
volume I should be expecting from these runs. I've dropped the ball on taking sg readings and keeping detailed notes but I sure am having fun getting acquainted with the still.

Originally Posted by: Bushy Go to Quoted Post
From the description of your 3rd gen run it sounds like you were running the boiler too hot. When you hit temps of 186 your into the tails already. reading your account it sounds as though you were smearing tails across the majority of your hearts. That isn't always a bad thing as it is one way to blend the hearts and tails. You might try lowering your boiler heat a little more after you start getting product next time. When you lower the temp if the product stops coming out then you can up the power a little at a time until you start getting product again. With each change in power wait at least 3 to 5 minutes to let the change take effect.

The 3rd generation run was a disaster, smeared from start to finish. I'm oaking one quart thinking it might smooth out with a little time, if not I'll just dump it back in the boiler. I do have a 5th gen ferment going and will use your suggestions listed above when I run it.

Originally Posted by: Bushy Go to Quoted Post
To the task of blending, cut your product to proof, then use small amounts,(1 cup), and measure each ingredient used, take notes. It takes time and effort to gain knowledge that is useful.

When you cut to proof, what abv do you dilute to?
I've been using a teaspoon to mix a little of 2 jars in a shot glass along with a touch of water, taste it for a few seconds and spitting it out while trying to detect an aftertaste. If it seems ok, I mix the two jars together and start with the next jar. With the amount used from each jar and the dilution being uneven, its been a struggle to get anything consistent. I'll try proofing it down first on this next batch.
Offline John Barleycorn  
#12 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 2:00:22 AM(UTC)
John Barleycorn

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its been a struggle to get anything consistent. I'll try proofing it down first on this next batch.

Try diluting below drinking strength ... maybe 25% - 30% or so. Things will be a lot more noticeable.

I know that finishing while making cuts is not recommended since you can get intoxicated ... then end up doing a lousy job. So I make real tight cuts with just nose and palate, then a finish or two when testing the edges. Maybe my nose/palate just aren't that good. I've noticed that on the edges it can smell fine and taste fine, but the finish just isn't where it needs to be.

Offline Bushy  
#13 Posted : Friday, April 26, 2013 5:12:32 AM(UTC)

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Hi flht01, JB's info for testing flavor is what I do also. It helps especially with the heads and tails. With the hearts it depends on what I'm makeing. I'll dilute anywhere between 30% to 60%. I use 60% for ageing whiskies and brandies on oak, then when finished I will dilute it down to 40 to 50%. Vodka's I usually reduce to 40%. Rums aged on oak will be at 60% but if I'm adding flavors, fruits, spices, etc, then somewhere between 30 and 45%.

Here's a site to help with diluteing.

Offline flht01  
#14 Posted : Saturday, April 27, 2013 2:39:55 PM(UTC)

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Thanks JB and Bushy.
I just finished doing taste tests on the spirit run described in the post above and need to ask another question or two.

I started by diluting the jars to 65%. Then I put one teaspoon from a jar and one teaspoon of water (distilled) in a shot glass to taste. (it should have been around 30% abv) and tasted, spit it out and marked the jar as either OK, LT (light tails) T (tails). The last jar of heads had a real good flavor so i marked it LH (light heads).

In spite of the abv being 85% before proofing there was still a surprising amount of flavor. BTW, making the cuts after proofing it down first made it a lot easier and more consistent.

Now that the jars are marked and separated, hows the best way to start blending them?

I went back and re-read a post on the hd site, "Novice Guide to Cuts". I think the lesson learned is to read, try it, re-read again etc... It's surprising and humbling at the same time at all the hidden information that can be overlooked the first time thru.

Just finished my blending effort and thought I'd post it in case any other newbie's are reading this. I was able to get the hearts tested and poured into 2 quart jars, it was good enough to proof down and drink white. (keyword - was) Then I thought I'd try blending a little using the light tails and light heads jars. It was a good experience and I learned a few thing along the way. The most important lesson for me is to take it slow and in stages. My next efforts at cuts and blending will be in three stages, separating the jars into heads, hearts and tails; blending the hearts only, then blending a small portion of the combined hearts with the other cuts. That way a misjudgment on flavor doesn't effect the whole hearts cut. All in all, this turned out ok. I started 3 quarts on oak and based on my past efforts, this was a big improvement. I sure feel a little more confident going into the next run.

quick update. After "distress aging" and a quick taste last night this turned out to be a big success for me. It's the first results I've had that I wouldn't mind passing around the table. Thanks for the help.
Offline Normal  
#15 Posted : Monday, June 10, 2013 2:18:45 PM(UTC)

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Thank you for the detailed info. I'm noob and still reading b4 my first run. I plan on a couple of cycles of UJSM.

One thought is to keep the hearts, find a good blend, then run the rest with the reflux run high to get a vodka out of the balance.

Any drawbacks to this? Seems like it would be efficient.

Offline flht01  
#16 Posted : Monday, June 10, 2013 2:59:43 PM(UTC)

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I would read the detailed runs I described (before Bushy and JB's advice) as the wrong way to run. After following their advice I started seeing much better results. The UJSSM is a very easy wash and produces good results. If your planning on running quite a few batches, you might want to do several stripping runs and finish up with a spirit run. You can save the feints from the spirit run for a reflux run.
Good Luck

Originally Posted by: Normal Go to Quoted Post
Thank you for the detailed info. I'm noob and still reading b4 my first run. I plan on a couple of cycles of UJSM.

One thought is to keep the hearts, find a good blend, then run the rest with the reflux run high to get a vodka out of the balance.

Any drawbacks to this? Seems like it would be efficient.

Offline whiskykid  
#17 Posted : Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:37:38 PM(UTC)

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i agree about the humbling experience. I learn more after each batch and reread of what i should have seen on the first read. The biggest thing i have learned so far, and i am very new to this, is to lower your heat and then lower it some more. I put my first qt on oak this week. We shall see how it comes out. I too am learning on the ujsm ferment. Thanks for the detailed posts, how about an update. its been 6 months."
Offline flht01  
#18 Posted : Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:18:52 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: whiskykid Go to Quoted Post
i agree about the humbling experience. I learn more after each batch and reread of what i should have seen on the first read. The biggest thing i have learned so far, and i am very new to this, is to lower your heat and then lower it some more. I put my first qt on oak this week. We shall see how it comes out. I too am learning on the ujsm ferment. Thanks for the detailed posts, how about an update. its been 6 months.

How time flies ...

I'm doing a few things a little more consistent and getting decent results, considering I'm still new to this too. I'm also using RCRed's DistilliTrak to help remember settings and their results, etc... and it helps.

I do stripping runs with high heat, single roll of mesh and the coolant to the condenser only. When I get enough low wines to make 7 or 8 gallons diluted to 35% I do a spirit run. I do the spirit runs with low heat and a single roll of copper in the top column. I added a needle valve to the reflux tubes and feed them from the bottom up. I run just a trickle of coolant to them, water flow on the return line off the tubes is a broken stream and the water is fairly hot. The biggest improvement for me has been making stripping runs and then a spirit run. Also, I'm not good enough to blend. It's taking all I can do just to make decent cuts and I'm giving the hearts some time to oak before judging the results. It's decent now but a few months should make it a lot better. The white can be used for mixing but not sipping, it still has a little bite to it. I haven't tried the white after aging a little... yet.

Oh, this method is the way I've been running both the UJSSM and both of NCHooch's recipes, the all grain and the gumball that uses the spent grains from the all grain.
Offline whiskykid  
#19 Posted : Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:05:46 PM(UTC)

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thanks for the update. i purchased a valve the other day for the reflux tubes. ill try that and see if it helps. i have a ferment to run again this weekend and ill post up how it goes. i am thinkning i will strip it but that wont give me much practice for the slow stuff. i am just getting to recognize when my machine is ready to work and at what temps things start changing."
Offline flht01  
#20 Posted : Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:31:38 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: whiskykid Go to Quoted Post
thanks for the update. i purchased a valve the other day for the reflux tubes. ill try that and see if it helps. i have a ferment to run again this weekend and ill post up how it goes. i am thinkning i will strip it but that wont give me much practice for the slow stuff. i am just getting to recognize when my machine is ready to work and at what temps things start changing.

You could always do what I did, "play like" your doing a spirit run when in reality your just doing a stripping a whole lot slower than you have to Wink

Good luck and by all means keep us posted
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