"This is a recipe for a easy likker thats gonna use horse feed or as we call it --Sweetfeed.

I know this recipe is here in several threads but this is just my version and its really simple so givera go or try one of the other methods.
I've seen as of late several folks asking how to build this recipe and its really easy if you know how but if you dont it can seem daunting but its not and this is for you....so here goes..
Any sweetfeed will do, thats horse food in a bag, now I know ur gonna say which is best, look for the one with the most mollassess in the mixture, any feed store will tell you which one that is, (there are about 50 brands so ask the feedstore) they all do the same thing, add flavor to your wash. Dont read into it or say what if I do this or do that, just follow the recipe the first time and it will work because its a tried and true recipe. And yes other things can be substituted for the feed but not right now thats in the future.
This is for a 5 gallon wash....
5 lbs of grain (or approx. 4 inches of feed in the bucket assuming ur fermenter is a 5 gallon bucket)
7-10 lbs of sugar
5 packets of bakers yeast - easy find at the grocery store ( distillers yeast is better but whatever you use is fine)
yeast nutrients with enzymes, BH is really good ( you can use a squirt of lemon juice and 3 beanno's instead )
a spoonfull of Epsom salt
[COLOR=""#FF0000""]if you use Turbo yeast dont add any extra nutrients or enzymes [/COLOR][COLOR=""#FF0000""]and dont re-hydrate it either[/COLOR]
Now add everything except the yeast to your fermenter. Then heat 1-1.5 gallons of water to steamy hot (boiling is not required but hot enough to melt the sugar is) pour that into your fermenter and stir until all the sugar is melted and the grain is stirred in nicely. The grain will turn the water black or close to it, this in normal due to the fact that its coverd with mollasses. Now add enough water to fill the fermenter and thats your wash, its really just that simple. Remember dont add the yeast until the wash is under 90F all the way to the bottom of the fermenter. Keep it cool or at least under 80F to ferment and it should be ready to run in 8-12 days. You cant hurry it so let it work its magic and leave it alone. It may be done sooner and thats ok, different yeast will be done in different time spans.
Since this has lots of stuff in the wash it will need to settle for a few days after its done fermenting so let it settle and then syphon it off the grains and leave all the grains and goopy stuff behind."