"You can probably get the same flavor from the various acids and dextrose. I've never tried this with spirits, but I do this with my applewine when I use store bought juice ...
To get the the ""apple"" flavor you can dissolve some malic acid and dextrose ... perhaps in a small amount of clear apple juice and add it to your spirit. Apparently, an apple jolly rancher is little more than malic acid and corn syrup (plus artificial flavoring that you may/may not want).
If you're looking for some grape notes, a tiny bit of tartaric acid, dextrose, in some white grape juice.
I also like some citric acid as it suits my own palate ... some people don't like it.
In any case, you can get tartaric, malic, and citric acid pretty cheap at most LHBS. I prefer using dextrose rather than sucrose. IMO, sucrose tastes like ... well ... sucrose & I can always tell it's in the wine. I've found that dextrose just seems to blend in without altering the existing flavors.
Like I mentioned, I've never tried this with spirits, but I would be surprised if it didn't work. Just use
very small amounts when you're experimenting (I wouldn't start with anything more than 1/16 tsp of acid or 1/4 tsp dextrose per liter of spirit) and maybe 1 tbl of juice. It's supposed to be just a pleasant/interesting flavor barely lingering in the background after all ... you don't want your spirit tasting uncivilized!
