Brewhaus Forum
Rum Recipes
Toe Jambs first rum run
 Rank: Junior Member Groups: Registered
Joined: 4/20/2013(UTC) Posts: 16
"5/22/2013 1 gal unsulfured molasses. ""from Gordon Food service. 13$ gal"". 6lbs light brown sugar 1 pack Brewhaus Turobo Rum.
Heated 2 gal water to boil and shut off heat. Added 1 gal molasses and the 6 lbs brown sugar. Stirred until dissolved then added cold water to the 6 gal mark on the fermenting bucket. Temp was 89 deg f. spg = 1.10 added brewhaus turbo rum yeast, stirred and capped with airlock.
This recipe was done x 2. ""2 - 6 gal washes"". spg was the same for both.
5/30 Fermentation done and racked into glass carboys. spg = .99 Stirred the heck out of it to push off the co2 then added 1 pack of Sparkloid to clear.
6/6 Ran first batch through a beer striping run with 15 gal Brewhaus kettle with single column and 2 rolls copper in the column. Kept 5 quarts and 1 pint to run 2nd time. Tossed 200ml of Fores and heads. average abv was 60. ran all the way down to 20 abv.
6/7 Beer striped 2nd batch same way and kept 5 quarts for spirit run tossing 200ml fores and heads into the solvent jar.
6/8 Spirit run combined 1st 2 beer stripped runs, ""abv = 55"", with about 1.5 gal of the backset from the beer run the day before. used Brewhaus single column and 3 rolls copper in pot mode. Collected 200ml in pint jars and hear are the results.
Tossed first 400 ml fores and heads. Jar Temp ABV Result 1 177 83 heads 2 177 84 hearts 3 176 84 4 176 84.5 5 176 85 6 176 85 7 176 85.5 8 176 86 9 174 86 10 175 85 11 175 85 12-175 85 13-180 81 14-180 81 15-180 81 16-180 81 17-180 81 18-181 80 19-182 80 20-182 80 21-182 78 22-183 78 23-184 76 hearts 24-185 76 light tails but opted to recycle 25-187 75 tails 26-189 72 27-191 70 28-194 65 29-199 55 30-202 50 31-208 30 abv ended run
Covered all jars with coffee filters and let sit for 4 days due to work obligations the made the cuts. Was very selective about the cuts. I think the reason jar 2 made it into the heart jar was because of tossing the 200 ml on each of the beer stripped runs.
After blending the hearts the ABV = 80. All in all I think it turned out well. Taste is sweet but has a small bite that i think will go away with aging. And now for the Questions:
I did not save the backset or ""Dunder"" for the next run because i did not know what to do with it. Do I just add 6 lbs more Brown sugar and water and yeast or do i add another gal of molasses? Seems like it may be to heavy on the molasses.
Will using Sparkloid or another clearing agent inhibit the fermentation next time?
At jar no 10 drip was small beads then had steam come from condenser. Did this twice then went back to collecting in drops to small beads. Why? Its like it got supperheated for a sec. I have 3/4 inch copper rings in the boiler that i made from 3/4 inch water line. Condenser water was a good flow and about 65 degrees. Distillate was around 76 degrees. I use a Blikman Burner and did not notice any change in the burn.
What do I do with it now? Looking for help on aging and maybe making some Capt Toe Jambs Spiced Rum.
Thanks. any comments are welcome."
Brewhaus Forum
Rum Recipes
Toe Jambs first rum run
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