"With Thanksgiving fastly approaching, I always get calls from family members for my Apple Pie moonshine.
Therefore I have a very good Apple pie moonshine recipe minus the moonshine and also stumble on how to clean a bottle of Everclear.
I think mostly everybody will agree Everclear is some potent proof nastiness, that will leave you with memories of getting to know your porcelain seat.
Nevertheless I had a call from a family member who was coming to visit and wanted a batch of my Apple Pie Moonshine. The problem was I had No moonshine ""what to do What to do""

So I broke down and bought a bottle of the ""potent proof nastiness"" Everclear 151 .... and this were it got interesting.1. The first thing I did with the Everclear was check the proofing ""Yep! it was 151 alright""
2. The next thing I did was pour the Everclear (4Oz at a time) through my activated carbon snake
( the activated carbon I use is Activated Carbon, 0.4-1.4mm which is found in the store). I did the process about 3-times.
To my surprise the ""potent proof nastiness"" now tasted like a smooth grain alcohol, with an easy burn.
{Not to go in depth to my research; I suspect I cleaned out the additional impurity in the Everclear, I welcome comments from the more skilled folks in this forum}
3. My next step was cutting it to 120 proof with distilled water and of course checking the proofing.
My reasoning and this is not science or research and development: after adding the Apple Pie mix I suspect it's around 100 proof... making it bearable for every type of drinker. fyi. the bottle of Everclear 151 made about a quart and half after cutting.
My Apple Pie recipe First and foremost this is a clawhammer modify recipe.
1-can concentrated apple juice
1-cup of Brown Sugar depending on your palette you can do a 1/2 cup
1 tablespoon of real vanilla abstract
1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder
Variation or additives ... cinnamon stick ... and depending on your taste a touch of ginger, nutmeg and even a small orange peel
So here is what you do:In a pot you put the can of concentrated apple juice,
""Break it up"", turn the heat on high.
Once the concentrated apple juice melts down and starts boiling stir in the remaining ingredients, cover turn the heat down low to simmer..... for about 30-40 minutes.
After 30-40 minutes remove from heat leaving it covered and let it stand until cool...
""I cheated and put the pot in the fridge, and 15 minutes later it was cool down"" 
Take the Apple Pie mixture and add it to a quart mason jar, then add the cleaned up Everclear to the quart mason jar ... seal mix or shake it up.
The extra pint of cleaned Everclear, I made a fresh blueberry recipe that I like.
You're ready to Go! with some good smooth tasting Apple Pie minus moonshine ""Everclear!""
And best of all everybody wakes up the next day smiling and wanting more.
