Start with trying to not exceed a 14% wash or so.
Then perhaps an experiment without the turbo. Try using a distilers yeast or a bakers yeast and some nutrients.
Or use half the recommended amount of turbo.
Pushing for High ABV will impart some nasties.
Get your wash off the yeast bed when the ferment is complete. Rack to the fridge (if possible). Let it clear nicely. Rack again if needed.
Strip run the wash. Collect everything.
Then do the spirit run and make conservative cuts with small collection vessels. Let your spirits air out over night. Don't forget to toss your fores.
Next day, smell your jars for the most nuetural smelling jar. start in the middle and work your way out to either side.
25 liter wash should get you 2.5 liters (plus or minus)of pretty good hearts. Re-run the rest later.
Blend your hearts jars into glass carboy. Dilute to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I like 65 to 70%

Leave some headroom and let it sleep for 3 or 4 weeks.
If you are too impatient to see this cycle thru, then get yourself two or three fermenters going and you'll have plenty of drinking stock within a month.
And finally don't be greedy. And do be patient.
If it were too easy everybody would be doing it."