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im a drunk it aint got to be hi quality hahai like content and quantity
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i want quantity right now im a drunk quality dont matter
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"Then git yerself more fermenters in service.
Git to the point where somethin is fermenting,, something is clearing,,,and something is ready to charge the still,,,,,,,,,,on any day of the week.......
And you can do this with 3 five gallon buckets as fermenters and some ancillary glass recycled from pasta sause, cheap wine jugs etc......
Ya owe it to yerself to make better likker than ya can find in the store....
Stress yer yeast and ya got crap...
Can spend the same money for a ferment as ya can on a BS store bought....May as well be proud of yer effort......if not,,, then git the F.............."
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well i also have to do it out of town too many people in my tiny apartment and no room so im using a friends shop i can only get out there one a week so imgoing to have a 15.5g keg as boiler and going to ferment just under 15 gal at a time so its more of a i gotta do what i gotta do at the same time after a bit ill teach him everything and be able to go for more quality i have a giant rowdy beerfest in the wioods in july im trying to stock up for and theres about 500+ last year gets way bigger every year andlast year with 40 kegs of beer we ran out quick so we all need more liquer and we all drunk broke punk rockers so we just want fucked up
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when do you add the spices? I'm under the empression that it is in the ageing process.
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Add spices to the spirit after distillation.
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how much heads do i need to get rid of per 5 gal? and i read somewhere if you redistill them you can drink it sounds stupid to me but id add to my next either way for my 15 gal i was thinkin like 1/2 pint would be enough???
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The way I do is....I use a pint jar and when its full thats my foreshots and some of the heads (or maybe all the heads). Then after I gather everything for the cuts I use my nose to determine if theres more heads to toss. I only run 5 gallon washes cause thats a pretty long cookout already. That first pint jar usually takes care of what I'm wanting to accomplish so try that and see if that works for ya.
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"Mr. X if yer pot stilling then rerunning heads through a column is doable.. But if yer initial run is with the column, then heads are going to be more compressed and already pretty nasty..... Lots of distillers would rather not re run heads.
What kind of stilL you running?"
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im getting a 2" 20" tall reflux kegtop tower from mile high i think after much research seems best to me
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"I made this recipe...it is my first wash...
I used:
1 gallon of black strap molasses. 4 gallons of water 7lbs of sugar 2 packets of EC-118 5 tsp. fermax yeast nutrient 1 tsp. citric acid....
My SG was 1.126!!!
My wash is bubbling away within a couple hours...
Should I be concerned this started out way over 1.080...I notice alot of recipes never state starting gravity.
Now I don't have a still yet...and I am leaning towards the simple BH pot still, since all I really want to make is run and whiskey. Any feedback on that still they have listed for $99?
Please don't say I should build one...for one...I built enough things in my hobbies...two...have you seen the price of precious metals?! I pieced it out and I just rather buy a head to go on my keg...."
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that tower will do just fine. Run your still slow and easy until you learn the ways it works best. So go ahead and order since your mash is done.
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" Originally Posted by: heeler  that tower will do just fine. Run your still slow and easy until you learn the ways it works best. So go ahead and order since your mash is done. Thanks for the feedback... What are you thoughts on the high gravity of the wash....as of this morning the bubbler is still purring away..."
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I tell ya.....gravity in a whiskey wash is not really that important. Its nifty to know but really if its not what you are after, are you not gonna run it anyway???? the answer is yes you are. You dont have a still yet anyway so in the meantime its gonna continue to drop and use up all the sugar soooooo. let it go and dont worry about it. Even if it sits for 20 days thats no prob. by then you will have your still anyway so it'll be time to cook.
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" Originally Posted by: heeler  I tell ya.....gravity in a whiskey wash is not really that important. Its nifty to know but really if its not what you are after, are you not gonna run it anyway???? the answer is yes you are. You dont have a still yet anyway so in the meantime its gonna continue to drop and use up all the sugar soooooo. let it go and dont worry about it. Even if it sits for 20 days thats no prob. by then you will have your still anyway so it'll be time to cook. Force of habit from Homebrewing...  I ordered the pot still from BH...looking forward to making the first run... As for the gravity..I was just worried about the flavor...I'll give it a good 3 to 4 weeks...no rush... As for the the keg size..I think I will just go with a full size (1/2 barrel keg) then I can run a good size wash if i so choose to in the future..."
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"Thats a fine unit you ordered..
the gravity is not gonna change the flavor..IMO.
the full size keg is a good choice cause --- no puking in the tower and you can run bigger washes if you want."
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"Funny thing about this hobby, you start to amass all kindsa shit. Extra kegs and lots of fermenters and stuff that you already have 2 of...well maybe thats not a bad thing cause the thing that you really need the most is gonna break the day before you need it. Then you'll wanna go electric and you'll need power controllers and heating elements and someone to weld everything. I think I'm gonna start building anotherone just for the hellofit....."
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Crimsonwine: sorry thinking wrong name:) You are close to what I do. I use a bet more sugar and a gallon more water my sg is about the same. it turns out some good stuff. Just wish it was more..LOL
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" Originally Posted by: klinger  Crimsonwine: sorry thinking wrong name:) You are close to what I do. I use a bet more sugar and a gallon more water my sg is about the same. it turns out some good stuff. Just wish it was more..LOL Do you run yours on a pot still too?"
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Fractionating w/4tf collumn..Running as a pot.. on a 15.5 gal keg for now like to go to a bigger boiller. Not shure on what to use. I have heard of guys using 55 gal drums don't know how safe that is.
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