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Offline High_Wine_Guy  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, November 07, 2007 1:49:40 AM(UTC)

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"Okay, here's my rum recipe. It's easy, it's cheap and it makes a pretty darn good rum.

1 gallon feed grade black strap molasses
4 gallons water
7 pounds sugar
Distillers yeast
Yeast nutrient

Mix the 1 gallon of molasses with 1 gallon of water and all of the sugar in a big pot. Bring to a low simmer over medium heat and stir until all of the sugar is mixed in well.

Let this cool (add the rest of your water - helps to cool it) and then pitch some distillers yeast and yeast nutrient (I follow the package instructions for both).

Let it ferment for about two weeks, or until it done - I let it set another week or so to settle and then distill and run through carbon.

After running the final wash through my Brewhaus Essential Extractor PSII High Capacity column still - single pass, full reflux - and then through carbon I've got some pretty darn good rum (cut it to about 50%). I let some sit on medium toasted oak, with my special spice blend for a couple of weeks and holy cow I've got some spice rum that makes the old Captain look like a cabin boy!

My next 18 gallons are going to get double distilled - first a stripping run with my still set up as a pot still and then back through at full reflux. This will get rid of the need for two trips through the carbon filter setup that I built (really cool six foot length of 1 1/2 inch PVC with two elbows and a ultra fine screen at the bottom - can't post pictures yet).

But really, right now my ""Admiral"" and Pepsi's blow the Captains dingy right out of the water!"
Offline ELECTRIK  
#2 Posted : Sunday, December 02, 2007 1:21:19 AM(UTC)

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can we get some hints on that speical spice blend. thanks jason
Offline RockThis  
#3 Posted : Monday, November 10, 2008 10:10:37 AM(UTC)

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"borrowed from homedistiller a good spice mix i'm mixing into my next rum run:

1/4-tsp ground cloves
1/4-tsp (generous) powdered cinnamon
1/4-tsp (generous) powdered ginger
1-tsp-Crosby's Cooking Molasses (Blackstrap will do !)
1-Tbsp-Toasted White Oak Chips"
Offline Bamadan  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:24:40 AM(UTC)

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IS the mix for a gallon ?"
Offline RockThis  
#5 Posted : Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:51:59 AM(UTC)

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I believe that recipe was for 750ml, comes out pretty heavy on the clove and was hit or miss with my rum drinkers.

I have now switched to a extract method with the spices... I don't have the recipe handy, its very similar just make an extract by soaking in high proof then filtering out the sediment. You then make simple caramel by heating sugar and lemon juice till it gets just brown (nor burnt)..

Mix extract and caramel to desired flavor. I also now add a 1/4tsp or more of molasses per taste. The extract method allows me to fine to the mix with 40 or 50% much easier (and then have extract left over for other batches.)

I reckon you might be able to use the store bought "rum extract" and have similiar results.

The addition of molasses and the caramelized sugar gives it the darker color and sweet taste, everyone has loved it so far.

When I am in my brew area again, i'll put out the recipe book and try to recall the additions for ya.

Either way the basic elements to rum are the spices mentioned above, additions of vanilla (syrup or extract) and molasses in small amounts will get you a real nice dark rum. I can't keep it stock these days.

EDIT: When you were asking for a gallon, keep in mind this is a spice mix for the FINISHED product. I was using a small amount of molasses and brown sugar wash (due to the availability of molasses and pricing)
Offline kc-fan  
#6 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:44:11 AM(UTC)

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How do you cut to 100 proof? Water?
Offline RockThis  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:06:33 AM(UTC)

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"Yes, filtered water.. i dont usually use distilled. Tap water turns it white sumtimes due to lime content, but i've narrowed this down to fusels in the spirit, a clean distill you can use tap (depending on how hard/gross your water is).

You have never cut your spirit to drinking proof? You should do this (some say before) to oak, flavor, and mix in general. I also oak at full strength certain spirits, but it gets a dark interesting flavor, i then cut down and oak at 60%average.

Granted i have my fair share of 190, but in general we'll cut it back to 60/70% and leave it on oak for a bit, then flavor it up.

Buy an alchometer or whatever, their like 3-5 bux. Measure if you need. I can mix down by eyeball and bubble size when you shake it (lots of tiny bubbles=low, few bubbles that dissapate quick=high!)

btw; Ethanol is a water soluble spirit, you do realise you are seperating the alcohol from water, in order to get 180 proof, that last 20 is water still present. Since you have pretty much pure alky, you'd now want to water back down to a drinkable spirit (you do want to share your stuff without the poor souls burning their insides and running for the hills aye?)

Best of luck to ya."
Offline kc-fan  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:32:58 AM(UTC)

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"Thanks - RockThis.

I have a alchometer ordered. Once you cut with water - the alcholmeter should tel you what proof it has been cut to?

If I wanted to add a sweetner to the mix - how do I do that? Have taken uncut alchohol and zested lemons to add. Then took 1/4 cup of honey and mixed in with some of the mixture and heated to melt the honey. It is cloudy."
Offline RockThis  
#9 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:44:59 AM(UTC)

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"I normally make a simplae sugar syrup, or caramalize sugar by heating a few cups with sum lemon juice (just nuff to wet all the sugar) .. then slowly heat it till it browns, this gives rum a bit more tint and gives u that sweetner..

but a simple heated water and sugar syrup works too...

just dont add straight sugars, u want to make them into syrups.. also good to try flavoring while on wood, continue to store on wood (or chips) - it helps the falvors meld together. I've tried honey and other stuff, i now just use caramalized sugar, molases, the spice mix.. and a bit of glycerin seems to bring it together.. too much and it gets sticky tho, try flavoring a bit higher proof (70-80ish+) and then water down to 40-50 or whatever ur going for, that helped me on the ""stickyness"" of the end product - dont forget to let those flavors merge for a few days to weeks tho! very important..

Let me know your results, i don't get to hear much from fellow 'stillers.."
Offline kc-fan  
#10 Posted : Wednesday, March 04, 2009 3:24:04 AM(UTC)

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Any suggestions on running this? Seems like this is really thick and would be very hard not to burn on the bottom.
Offline RockThis  
#11 Posted : Wednesday, March 04, 2009 3:49:40 AM(UTC)

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"Your just running a brown sugar wash? It's not much thicker then a regular sugar wash.. I run bout 10-12lbs (usually 12) of brown sugar per 5 gallon ferment.. EC-118 with plenty of DAP and a bit of amalyze (which seemed to help conver tthe last bits of stuff)

I've never burnt batches like this.. I use a propane turkey fryer even..

I burn it off full column mode, I can't seem to get reliableoutput when running my extractor 2 in pot still mode.."
Offline kc-fan  
#12 Posted : Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:23:09 AM(UTC)

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"Actually, I used the recipe on this post with 1 gal fo molases and 4 gal water.

really thick."
Offline mroe  
#13 Posted : Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:37:23 AM(UTC)

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If after distilling, you run it through carbon, doesn't that also strip off the flavor?
Offline JuliaKhanam  
#14 Posted : Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:23:35 PM(UTC)

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"Rum Coconut Macaroons:
2 egg whites
pinch of salt
100 gr shredded coconut
100 gr sugar
rum essence or extract
orange zest of half an orange

Roland electronic drums-Buy Roland electronic drums"
Offline Phildude  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, February 09, 2011 5:20:17 AM(UTC)

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whats the best kind of sugar to use? I made 2 batches using regular molasses and regular sugar, turbo yeast and water!!when i distill with a refulx still I heat the mash till it lowers down to a 65% content. I find when i drink it i get a mash taste and smell and it kinda turing me away from it. So i dont know if i should double distill or what?? Thanks Phil
Offline LWTCS  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, February 09, 2011 2:31:32 PM(UTC)

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"Well ah Phil,,,,dude,

Two things come to mind. The turbo yeast is not going to give you the best rum profile IMO. And if you used the turbo then you likely pushed the abv too much. How much sweet did you install?

Bakers yeast from the regular old market does a very respectable rum. And also keep your abv down around 8% to 10%,,,,,,,,,,,,no more than 12% IMO.

Next is the reflux still on the rum.
Not sure how you are running but,,,,,,,,If you are running a real reflux run,, then 65% will put you well into tails. And tails means wet dog, old shoe kinda flavor.

Are you making cuts? Are you selectively blending?

Can you describe your stilling methhod."
Offline Phildude  
#17 Posted : Thursday, February 10, 2011 1:37:56 AM(UTC)

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I bought a 3 gallon homemade still, I bought of a website once it starts dripping i discard the first 50mls then I have a tester and keep checking it every 10 mins till it started to hit a lower alc% I just wasnt sure how low to go.
The turbo yeast i used called for 8kgs of sugar but i used 4kgs and 4kgs of molasses. I could try to use a different type of yeast (http://www.winemakeri.com/Turbo_Yeasts_s/118.htm) they have a rum yeast on this site. I might try that. thanks Phil

This is the still here

Offline Ghankra  
#18 Posted : Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:12:30 AM(UTC)

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"Ive done a few 'rum' washes, 25liter ones with varying sugars, i personally like using around 5kg of qck dissolve sugar combined with 3kg of cane sugar for that nice sweetness, tried a few all cane just too sweet for me.

Tried a few combinations of a 'dark brown' molasses type flavor sugar, didnt really have much luck with large amounts of it alone, last wash i tried with it was 5kg dark brown 3kg light brown, turbo yeast (used on all the above washes) didnt really like this particular wash, was very slow to react with the yeast.

Qck dissolve 4kg, cane 3kg, 1kg dark brown, i found this combination to work out nice and have a good flavour also.

Just a few combo's ive enjoyed :)"
Offline Phildude  
#19 Posted : Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:14:59 AM(UTC)

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Sounds good
Offline heeler  
#20 Posted : Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:57:13 AM(UTC)

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16lbs of sugar in 5 gallons of wash.......I bet it was sweet, cause the yeast could'nt eat it all and lots of sugar came over when you distilled it. I did'nt say it was wrong, but I bet it was lock jaw sweet. heheheheheh.
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