Hey man, just ask an ya gets it! I just ran off a tad over 3 liters today from a sugar/water ,plus 2oz. tomato paste for nutrients, wash. It is quite good but it will be better after I let it set and marry with a little oak for flavor and color. As for my brandy, I cheat! I make a simple ,cheap, grape ,or whatever fruit juice you wanna use ,,no citrus!,, canned or concentrate, dosen't seem to matter much, wine using a 'Turbo'ed' wine yeast!
I like Lalvin EC1118 for wine ,brings out the flavors,, I use three ,sometimes four, of the little sachets of yeast all at once. It works fast but will not finish off higher than 15-16%abv, so this last batch I added more sugar and half package of 'Pot Distillers Yeast' ,from Brewhaus, to kick it on up to around 20%.
Then I distil it once, toss the first 50ml, and making very tight cuts ,collecting a lot of not so bad tasting tails for later use, bottle the rest. I then add a generious amount ,your taste, of sweet raisins to the brandy and let this 'marry' ,shaking up the fruit/brandy mix a little each day, for two to three days ,again, your taste, and serve at room temp on a chilly evening! Hot DAMN, thats good!
I might mention that the 'Pot Yeast' doesn't make a really great tasting wine ,in fact it's so damned strong I'd rather distil it before drinking it!,
If you are into wine making then you can ignore my suggestions for making that and just distill whatever you alredy have on hand. In any case, I'm betting that you will have a good product in the end, just drink enough and you won't really care anyway, at least til the next day! LOL
By the way, I rarely ,never, get a hangover cause I use good yeast, either 'Prestige Vodka Yeast', 'Pot Distillers Yeast' or 'Lalvin' AND I make very tight cuts ,I can always recycle the taols later,! Give it a try, I'm betting you will like it.