Ok, I pulled the trigger and here is what happened.
I followed the instructions from the book with the exception of the abv that I was pushing through the filter. The first thing to note is that paper tears when there is a column of water on top of it. I used two of the pieces that came with my kit from BH. I filled the column and was tipping the pot to start adding the activated carbon when the paper ripped and filled my kitchen with water. (SO glad it went before I added the carbon).
Round two... I added 4 coffee filters and two more of the ones from BH. Added a column of water and waited for it to drain completely. Filled the column with water again (tempting the thing to break again). I let that drain, then filled again and added the carbon. Everything held and I was nervous. But I didn't have any more problems with it. I then added two liters of water and waited for it to go below the carbon and I added my 65% mix.
Fear beat me down for the next 15-30 min as I tasted only water coming out of the filter. I figured it all mixed and would never taste correct (kidding, but it did take a long time to get my product to start coming out) I did notice that the product went through the whole contraption faster than the water did. Once it started to come out, I collected in a new jar and kept track of how much went in and how much was coming out.
It took several hours to get it all through, but once the product fell below the carbon at the top of the column, I added a liter of water and waited until I got close to the same amount of product reclaimed as I had put in. It was a little less when I started to taste a mix of the water and product. At first it was so minor I thought I was just imagining it, but it quickly proved that my taste buds were not lying to me. I kept collecting, but did not add this to my stronger stuff. The later stuff ended up being about 35%, but with the water I added, I didn't like the flavor. I put this in a jar and will add it to another run of the still.
I ended up with a little less than I put in, but it came out at 64%. I did like the difference in the product afterward. The taste was the same (to your point heeler, it won't make toilet water into Jack Daniels) but, it DID have a distinct smoothness that it did not have before. And the smell was non existent in the final product.
Here are some things I will do to make it better next time.
1. I will use distilled water to prep everything. I didn't think of the effect of tap water in this whole process, but think it will improved with distilled water.
2. I like the way it turned out, so I may get the stainless setup instead of this flimsy plastic thing I got in my kit. ( I ended up having it tied to my cupboards with twine to level it and keep it from flopping around.
3. I want to create a cap to go over the end to support the paper filters. (Keep them from tearing and dumping everything out.)
4. Take heeler's advise and quit over thinking it so much (Have more fun with it