I was one of the first people to purchase the kit, and I am the one who discovered this problem, so I believe I am the most competant to speak on the issue from a buyer's standpoint.
It has been over a month since I have heard anything about this problem and what can be done to fix it. Initially there was talk of repairing it for me regardless of cost or effort, but a month and then some has gone by with not even so much as a status report. Now it appears the efforts are concentrating on ways to fix the problem for users who have yet to buy the kit, or for those who have it, but have not installed it because of this problem. That's great, but MY still is broken NOW. Not only that, but it has been BENT ,mind you, this was at the behest of Brewhaus in an attempt to fix the problem,, and cannot easily be converted back.
It is true, there are no products that cannot be improved ,especially after the first offering,, but most companies do not release products that do not even work AT ALL, and that is what we have here. Quite simply, and make no bones about it, the conversion kit does NOT work as advertised. Not only that, but it can potentially create a dangerous situation involving the ejection of flammable liquid, at force, from an apparatus heated by a direct, external heat source. I shouldn't need to spell out for you why this is a BAD THING.
That said, and in defense of the company that has, until now, created absolutely fine work and provided excellent service, I was informed that this is the first product was pushed to market based solely on third-party testing, without direct supervision from Rick. I was also informed that Brewhaus would no longer be developing with the individual,s, responsible. Great, but where's the solid customer service to back up this information? Where are the updates? Where's my promised fix?
Lots of good companies make mistakes, but I can't think of a single reputable business that would discover a product was dangerously flawed and not immediately issue a recall and replacement.
Enjoy your working stills, everybody. I'm left here with a bent $500 piece of stainless and no solution in sight.